
						左亚路,兰州大学物理科学与技术学院副教授,凝聚态物理硕士生导师。2009年6月于兰州大学凝聚态物理专业获得理学博士学位并留校任教。2013年评为副教授和硕士生导师。2014年3月至2015年3月到法国洛林大学物理系做博士后一年,参与超薄膜隧道结的研究。目前主要研究领域为自旋电子学、自旋阀输运性质、电场/电流驱动磁性翻转等。目前在包括Carbon,Applied physics letters,Organic electronics,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics等刊物发表论文60余篇。主持国家自然科学基金1项,教育部博士点基金1项,甘肃省自然科学基金1项,中央高校基金2项,并作为合作者参与多项国家自然科学基金。



1. 主讲本科生理论课《医用物理学》
2. 承担本科生普物实验的力热实验
3. 承担研究生《固体物理实验》中磁光克尔测试系统实验

						1. Dong Li, Baoshan Cui, Tao Wang, Jijun Yun, Xiaobin Guo, Kai Wu, Yalu Zuo*, Jianbo Wang, Dezheng Yang, and Li Xi*, "Effect of inserting a non-metal C layer on the spin-orbit torque induced magnetization switching in Pt/Co/Ta structures with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy", Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 132407(2017).
2. Xiaobin Guo, Baoshan Cui, Chaoshuai Guan, Dong Li, Kai Wu, Jijun Yun, Tao Wang, Yong Peng, Yalu Zuo* and Li Xi*, "Electric field modulation of reversible and non-volatile magnetic anisotropy transition in (011) 0.7[Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3]– 0.3[PbTi0.3O3]/FeSi heterostructures", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 335001 (2017).
3. X B Guo, Y L Zuo, B S Cui, D Li, J J Yun, K Wu, T Wang and L. Xi*, "Post annealing induced magnetic anisotropy in CoFeSi thin films on MgO(001)", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 085006 (2017).
4. Xiaobin Guo, Xuemeng Han, Yalu Zuo, Junwei Zhang, Dong Li, Baoshan Cui, Kai Wu, Jijun Yun, Tao Wang, Yong Peng, and Li Xi*,Electric field induced magnetic anisotropy transition from fourfold to twofold symmetry in (001) 0.68Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.32PbTiO3/Fe0.86Si0.14 epitaxial heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters,108, 152401(2016).
5. Guo Xiaobin, Zuo Yalu, Li Dong, Cui Baoshan, Wu Kai, Yun Jijun, Wang Tao, Xi Li, Electrical field control of non-volatile 90° magnetization switching in epitaxial FeSi films on (001) 0.7[Pb(Mg Nb)O]-0.3[PbTiO], Applied physics letters, 108, 042403 (2016).
6. Chenyang Guo, Fangyuan Xia, Zhen Wang, Li Zhang, Li Xi, Yalu Zuo*,Flowerlike iron oxide nanostructures and their application in microwave absorption,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 631,183–191 (2015). 
7. S. Tao, H. X. Yang, Y. L. Zuo, X. Devaux, G. Lengaigne, M. Hehn, D. Lacour, S. Andrieu, M. Chshiev, T. Hauet, F. Montaigne, S. Mangin, X. F. Han, and Y. Lu, Physics Review Letters, 115, 157204 (2015). 
8. Zhen wang, Yalu Zuo*, Yue Li, Xuemeng Han, Xiaobin Guo, Jianbo Wang, Bo Cao, Li Xi*, Desheng Xue,Improved field emission properties of carbon nanotubes decorated with Ta layer,Carbon,73, 114-124 (2014).
9. Yalu Zuo, Yang Ren, Zhen Wang, and Li Xi, Multiresonance Behavior in Permeability Spectra of Nickel-Coated Carbon Nanotubes, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 5, 1091-1096, (2013).
10. Yalu Zuo, Yang Ren, Zhen Wang, Xuemeng Han, Li Xi,Enhanced field emission and hysteresis characteristics of aligned carbon nanotubes with Ti decoration, Organic Electronics, 14, 2306-2314 (2013).
11. Yalu Zuo, Shihui Ge, Zhenhua Yu, Shiming Yan, Xueyun Zhou, Li Zhang, Electrical and ferromagnetic properties of Tb-doped indium–tin oxide films fabricated by sol–gel method, Applied Surface Science, 256, 6013 (2010).

1. 用光电子谱技术研究有机自旋阀的结构、磁性、能级结构及输运性质,甘肃省自然科学基金 (17JR5RA210),2017.9-2019.9. 
2. NPB有机纳米阵列的场发射性能和机理研究,兰州大学中央高校自由探索面上项目(lzujbky-2015-122),2015.1-2016.6.
3. 反铁磁层中电流诱导自旋转矩效应的机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(51101079),2012.1- 2014.12.
4. 反铁磁薄膜中电流诱导自旋转矩效应的微观机理研究,教育部科技项目(20100211120019),2011.1- 2013.12.