

						长期在自旋动力学与自旋电子学领域工作,目前以第一作者或通讯联系作者发表论文28篇,其中包括 Phys. Rev. Lett. 1篇,Phys. Rev. B 4篇,Appl. Phys. Lett. 10篇。近几年来申请人以自旋角动量定向输运与自旋动力学之间的紧密联系为突破口,在自旋整流效应的物理本质与应用开发、针对微纳尺度自旋电子学器件与材料的局域化表征方法、以及自旋霍尔效应的定量表征与微观机理方面取得了多项具有一定原创性及创新性研究成果。

在共面波导器件设计与测试方面:我们充分利用共面波导器件的空间电磁场分布特点,系统研究了在不同方向微波磁场的驱动下自旋泵浦效应和逆自旋霍尔效应的全空间角度依赖关系[PRB 94, 134421 (2016)]、非线性自旋动力学效应[APL 108, 192408 (2016)]、有效区分逆自旋霍尔效应与自旋整流效应的实验方法[JAP 117, 17C725 (2015), APL 112, 092406 (2018)]。

在铁磁共振的直流电测量方面:基于霍尔效应可实现局域电测量的思路,我们将反常霍尔效应和自旋整流机制相结合[JAP 113, 17C732 (2013)],开展了磁性微纳结构中自旋动力学研究[APL 102, 202410 (2013), APL 105, 262404 (2015), APL 109, 182406 (2016)],目前该方法可应用于绝大多数磁性导体。

在磁动力学相关物理效应研究方面:我们依据自旋流对自旋动力学的显著影响,开展了PtPd合金中自旋霍尔角、自旋扩散长度、自旋流注入效率与自旋轨道耦合的定量化关系[AEM 2, 1600112 (2016)共同通讯],Pt/CoNi多层膜中自旋霍尔磁电阻机理[PRB 103, 024415 (2021)],FeNi/Gd薄膜中温度依赖的阻尼机理[PRB 102, 174439 (2020)]、磁性异质结构中界面DMI机理[APE 12, 103001 (2019)]的研究工作,并可以在外加偏压的情况下借助铁磁共振研究磁电耦合机制[APL 105, 262404 (2014)]与Mn2Au薄膜的反铁磁自旋霍尔效应[Nat. Mater. (2021) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-021-00946-z合作]。

在谐振腔磁动力学研究方面:我们与加拿大曼尼托巴大学胡灿明教授合作,基于圆柱形[NJP 21, 065001 (2019)合作]和十字型[PRB 101, 064404 (2020)合作]谐振腔系统研究了光子与磁子之间的相互作用,并发现了它们耦合形成的极化子表现出类似于霍尔效应的横向反射现象[ Nat. Commun. 10:2934(2019)合作]。

目前小组有博士研究生3人: 张鹏(2019级),冯晓玉(2021级),张瀚文(2022级);硕士研究生6人:郭牧晗(2020级),王奕斐(2020级),范欣欣(2021级),柯云飞(2021级),高小虎(2021级)梁舒宁(2022级)。

[1] Fu, Ting, Li, Shuangfeng, Feng, Xiaoyu, Cui, Yongwei, Yao, Jiguang, Wang, Bo, Cao, Jiangwei, Shi, Zhong, Xue, Desheng, Fan, Xiaolong, Complex anomalous Hall effect of CoGd alloy near the magnetization compensation temperature, Physical Review B, 103 (2021) 064432 
[2] Feng, Xiaoyu, Yao, Jiguang, Cui, Yongwei, Zhang, Peng, Bai, Qiaoning, Xi, Li, Cao, Jiangwei, Xue, Desheng, Fan, Xiaolong, Impact of trace amounts of interfacial oxidation on the spin–orbit torque in the Co/Pt heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters, 118 (2021) 132410.
[3] Cui, Yongwei, Feng, Xiaoyu, Zhang, Qihan, Zhou, Hengan, Jiang, Wanjun, Cao, Jiangwei, Xue, Desheng, Fan, Xiaolong, Absence of spin Hall magnetoresistance in Pt/(CoNi)n multilayers, Physical Review B, 103 (2021) 024415.
[4] Chen, Xianzhe, Shi, Shuyuan, Shi, Guoyi, Fan, Xiaolong, Song, Cheng, Zhou, Xiaofeng, Bai, Hua, Liao, Liyang, Zhou, Yongjian, Zhang, Hanwen, Li, Ang, Chen, Yanhui, Han, Xiaodong, Jiang, Shan, Zhu, Zengwei, Wu, Huaqiang, Wang, Xiangrong, Xue, Desheng, Yang, Hyunsoo, Pan, Feng, Observation of the antiferromagnetic spin Hall effect, Nat Mater, 20 (2021) 800-804.
[5] Zhang, P., Li, S. F., Yao, J. G., Zhang, H. W., Feng, X. Y., Zhang, Q. H., Cao, J. W., Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., Variation of effective damping with temperature in permalloy/Gd heterostructures, Physical Review B, 102 (2020) 174439.
[6] Zhang, Qihan, Chen, Yifei, Zheng, Yuqiang, Cao, Jiangwei, Xue, Desheng, Fan, Xiaolong, The positive correlation between interface Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and damping-like spin Hall torque in the Ta/Pt/CoFeB/MgO/Ta system, Appl Phys Express, 12 (2019) 103001.
[7] Rao, J. W., Yu, C. H., Zhao, Y. T., Gui, Y. S., Fan, L., Xue, D. S., Hu, C. M., Level attraction and level repulsion of magnon coupled with a cavity anti-resonance, New Journal of Physics, 21 (2019) 065001.
[8] Rao, J. W., Kaur, S., Yao, B. M., Edwards, E. R. J., Zhao, Y. T., Fan, X., Xue, D., Silva, T. J., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Analogue of dynamic Hall effect in cavity magnon polariton system and coherently controlled logic device, Nat Commun, 10 (2019) 2934.
[9] Feng, Xiao-Yu, Zhang, Qi-Han, Zhang, Han-Wen, Zhang, Yi, Zhong, Rui, Lu, Bo-Wen, Cao, Jiang-Wei, Fan, Xiao-Long, A review of current research on spin currents and spin–orbit torques, Chinese Physics B, 28 (2019).
[10] Zhang, Q. H., Fan, X. L., Zhou, H. A., Kong, W. W., Zhou, S. M., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Xue, D. S., Investigation of the difference between spin Hall magnetoresistance rectification and spin pumping from the viewpoint of magnetization dynamics, Applied Physics Letters, 112 (2018) 092406.
[11] Rao, J. W., Yao, B. M., Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Electric control of cooperative polariton dynamics in a cavity-magnon system, Applied Physics Letters, 112 (2018).
[12] Ma, L., Lang, L. L., Zhou, H. A., Fan, X. L., Shi, Z., Fu, H. R., You, C. Y., Tian, N., The ferromagnetic resonance in WxMo1-x/YIG heterostructures, Aip Advances, 8 (2018) 056120.
[13] Jiang, Xingdong, Fan, Xiaolong, Huang, Juanjuan, Zhang, Chonghong, Xue, Desheng, Improving the quality of AMR of permalloy films by N 2+ ion irradiation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 430 (2018) 54-58.
[14] Guo, D. W., Kong, W. W., Feng, J. J., Li, X. L., Fan, X. L., Microwave absorption properties of SrxBa3-xCo2Fe24O41 hexaferrites in the range of 0.1-18 GHz, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 751 (2018) 80-85.
[15] Chen, Z. D., Kong, W. W., Mi, K., Chen, G. L., Zhang, P., Fan, X. L., Gao, C. X., Xue, D. S., The anisotropic effective damping of thickness-dependent epitaxial Co2FeAl films studied by spin rectification, Applied Physics Letters, 112 (2018) 122406.
[16] Chen, Y. F., Zhang, Q. H., Jia, J. X., Zheng, Y. Q., Wang, Y., Fan, X. L., Cao, J. W., Tuning Slonczewski-like torque and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction by inserting a Pt spacer layer in Ta/CoFeB/MgO structures, Applied Physics Letters, 112 (2018) 232402.
[17] Rao, J. W., Kaur, S., Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., Yao, B. M., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Characterization of the non-resonant radiation damping in coupled cavity photon magnon system, Applied Physics Letters, 110 (2017) 262404.
[18] Zhou, X., Tang, M., Fan, X. L., Qiu, X. P., Zhou, S. M., Disentanglement of bulk and interfacial spin Hall effect in ferromagnet/normal metal interface, Physical Review B, 94 (2016) 144427.
[19] Zhou, H. G., Fan, X. L., Ma, L., Cui, L., Jia, C. L., Zhou, S. M., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Xue, D. S., Spin pumping in the nonlinear dynamic regime of a Pt/Y3Fe5O12 heterostructure, Applied Physics Letters, 108 (2016) 192408.
[20] Zhou, Hengan, Fan, Xiaolong, Ma, Li, Zhang, Qihan, Cui, Lei, Zhou, Shiming, Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Xue, Desheng, Spatial symmetry of spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effect in the Pt/Y3Fe5O12 system, Physical Review B, 94 (2016) 134421.
[21] Zhang, Z. H., Bai, L. H., Chen, X. B., Guo, H., Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., Houssameddine, D., Hu, C. M., Observation of thermal spin-transfer torque via ferromagnetic resonance in magnetic tunnel junctions, Physical Review B, 94 (2016) 064414.
[22] Ma, Li, Zhou, Heng An, Wang, Lei, Fan, Xiao Long, Fan, Wei Jia, Xue, De Sheng, Xia, Ke, Wang, Zhe, Wu, Ru Qian, Guo, Guang Yu, Sun, Li, Wang, Xiao, Cheng, Xue Mei, Zhou, Shi Ming, Spin Orbit Coupling Controlled Spin Pumping and Spin Hall Magnetoresistance Effects, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2 (2016) 1600112.
[23] Kong, W. W., Fan, X. L., Zhou, H. G., Cao, J. W., Guo, D. W., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Xue, D. S., Electrical detection of magnetization dynamics in an ultrathin CoFeB film with perpendicular anisotropy, Applied Physics Letters, 109 (2016) 182406.


[24] Zhang, Z. H., Bai, L. H., Hu, C. M., Hemour, S., Wu, K., Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., Houssameddine, D., The tunneling magnetoresistance current dependence on cross sectional area, angle and temperature, Aip Advances, 5 (2015) 037134.
[25] Zhang, Y. C., Fan, X. L., Zhao, X. B., Rao, J. W., Zhou, H. G., Guo, D. W., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Xue, D. S., Angular dependent study on ferromagnetic resonance and spin excitations by spin rectification, J Appl Phys, 117 (2015) 023905.
[26] Wang, Z. L., Fan, X. L., Zhao, X. B., Chai, G. Z., Xue, D. S., Fabrication of Co90Zr10 thin films with adjustable resonance frequency from 1.8 to 7.1 GHz, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 628 (2015) 236-239.
[27] Rao, J. W., Fan, X. L., Ma, L., Zhou, H. A., Zhao, X. B., Zhao, J., Zhang, F. Z., Zhou, S. M., Xue, D. S., Observation of spin rectification in Pt/yttrium iron garnet bilayer, J Appl Phys, 117 (2015) 17C725.
[28] Jiang, X. D., Guo, D. W., Zhang, C. H., Fan, X. L., Chai, G. Z., Xue, D. S., Influence of the interface on the magnetic properties of NiZn ferrite thin films treated by proton irradiation, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 358 (2015) 1-5.
[29] Jiang, C. J., Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., High frequency magnetic properties of ferromagnetic thin films and magnetization dynamics of coherent precession, Chinese Physics B, 24 (2015) 057504.
[30] Fan, X., Zhou, H., Rao, J., Zhao, X., Zhao, J., Zhang, F., Xue, D., Magnetic field-dependent shape anisotropy in small patterned films studied using rotating magnetoresistance, Sci Rep, 5 (2015) 16139.
[31] Zhou, H. A., Fan, X. L., Wang, F. L., Jiang, C. J., Rao, J. W., Zhao, X. B., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Xue, D. S., Electric field controlled reversible magnetic anisotropy switching studied by spin rectification, Applied Physics Letters, 104 (2014) 102401.
[32] Yan, Z., Fan, X., Li, Z., Magnetization reversal in asymmetric trilayer dots: effect of the interlayer magnetostatic coupling, Nanoscale Res Lett, 9 (2014) 106.
[33] Guo, Dangwei, Jiang, Changjun, Fan, Xiaolong, Xue, Desheng, Thermal annealing effect on structural and magnetic properties of ZnFe2O4 thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering, Applied Surface Science, 307 (2014) 576-578.
[34] Fan, X. L., Wang, W., Wang, Y. T., Zhou, H. G., Rao, J. W., Zhao, X. B., Gao, C. X., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Xue, D. S., Rapid characterizing of ferromagnetic materials using spin rectification, Applied Physics Letters, 105 (2014) 262404.
[35] Fan, X. L., Chen, H., Rao, J. W., Zhou, H. A., Zhang, Y. C., Zhao, X. B., Xue, D. S., Scaling of the thickness dependent anomalous Hall effect in amorphous ferromagnetic thin films, J Appl Phys, 115 (2014) 17C738.
[36] Chen, H., Fan, X. L., Zhou, H. G., Wang, W. X., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Xue, D. S., Spin rectification enabled by anomalous Hall effect, J Appl Phys, 113 (2013) 17C732.
[37] Chen, Hang, Fan, Xiaolong, Wang, Wenxi, Zhou, Hengan, Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Xue, Desheng, Electric detection of the thickness dependent damping in Co90Zr10 thin films, Applied Physics Letters, 102 (2013) 202410.
[38] Zhang, Z. H., Gui, Y. S., Fu, L., Fan, X. L., Cao, J. W., Xue, D. S., Freitas, P. P., Houssameddine, D., Hemour, S., Wu, K., Hu, C. M., Seebeck rectification enabled by intrinsic thermoelectrical coupling in magnetic tunneling junctions, Phys Rev Lett, 109 (2012) 037206.
[39] Wismayer, M. P., Southern, B. W., Fan, X. L., Gui, Y. S., Hu, C. M., Camley, R. E., Nonlinear behavior for the uniform mode and horizontal standing spin-wave modes in metallic ferromagnetic microstrips: Experiment and theory, Physical Review B, 85 (2012) 064411.
[40] Guo, D. W., Yang, Y. C., Zhu, J. Y., Jiang, C. J., Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., Soft magnetic and high-frequency properties of Ni-Zn ferrite film with FeMn underlayer, Thin Solid Films, 520 (2012) 5977-5980.
[41] Guo, Dangwei, Jiang, Changjun, Fan, Xiaolong, Shi, Huigang, Xue, Desheng, Post-deposition heat-treated NixZn1−xFe2O4 films exhibiting higher resonance frequency, Applied Surface Science, 258 (2012) 4237-4239.
[42] Gao, H., Song, L., Guo, W. H., Huang, L., Yang, D. Z., Wang, F. C., Zuo, Y. L., Fan, X. L., Liu, Z., Gao, W., Vajtai, R., Hackenberg, K., Ajayan, P. M., A simple method to synthesize continuous large area nitrogen-doped graphene, Carbon, 50 (2012) 4476-4482.
[43] Sui, W. B., Zhu, J. Y., Li, J. Y., Chai, G. Z., Jiang, C. J., Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., Determination of the anisotropies and reversal process in exchange-bias bilayers using a rotational magnetization curve approach, J Appl Phys, 109 (2011) 103902.
[44] Harder, M., Cao, Z. X., Gui, Y. S., Fan, X. L., Hu, C. M., Analysis of the line shape of electrically detected ferromagnetic resonance, Physical Review B, 84 (2011) 054423.
[45] Chai, G. Z., Guo, D. W., Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., Microwave magnetic properties of soft magnetic thin films, Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 54 (2011) 1200-1207.
[46] Zhang, Z. M., Lin, M., Zhu, J. Y., Guo, D. W., Chai, G. Z., Fan, X. L., Yang, Y. C., Xue, D. S., Effect of light rare earth element Nd doping on magnetization dynamics in Co-Nb films, J Appl Phys, 107 (2010) 083912.
[47] Zhang, Z. M., Fan, X. L., Lin, M., Guo, D. W., Chai, G. Z., Xue, D. S., Optimized soft magnetic properties and high frequency characteristics of obliquely deposited Co-Zr thin films, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 43 (2010) 085002.
[48] Wirthmann, A., Fan, X., Gui, Y. S., Martens, K., Williams, G., Dietrich, J., Bridges, G. E., Hu, C. M., Direct phase probing and mapping via spintronic Michelson interferometry, Phys Rev Lett, 105 (2010) 017202.
[49] Guo, D. W., Zhu, J. Y., Yang, Y. C., Fan, X. L., Chai, G. Z., Sui, W. B., Zhang, Z. M., Xue, D. S., High-frequency magnetic properties of Zn ferrite films deposited by magnetron sputtering, J Appl Phys, 107 (2010) 043903.
[50] Guo, D. W., Fan, X. L., Chai, G. Z., Jiang, C. J., Li, X. L., Xue, D. S., Structural and magnetic properties of NiZn ferrite films with high saturation magnetization deposited by magnetron sputtering, Applied Surface Science, 256 (2010) 2319-2322.
[51] Fan, X. L., Himbeault, E., Gui, Y. S., Wirthmann, A., Williams, G., Xue, D. S., Hu, C. M., Electrical detection of large cone angle spin precession from the linear to the nonlinear regime, J Appl Phys, 108 (2010) 046102.
[52] Xu, Y., Xue, D. S., Gao, D. Q., Fu, J., Fan, X. L., Guo, D. W., Gao, B., Sui, W. B., Ordered CoFe2O4 nanowire arrays with preferred crystal orientation and magnetic anisotropy, Electrochimica Acta, 54 (2009) 5684-5687.
[53] Lin, M., Fan, X. L., Zhang, Z. M., Guo, D. W., Xue, D. S., In-plane uniaxial anisotropy induced by two-phase stripelike magnetic hybrid structure, J Appl Phys, 106 (2009) 123912.
[54] Jiang, C. J., Xue, D. S., Guo, D. W., Fan, X. L., Adjustable resonance frequency and linewidth by Zr doping in Co thin films, J Appl Phys, 106 (2009) 103910.
[55] Guo, D. W., Zhang, Z. M., Lin, M., Fan, X. L., Chai, G. Z., Xu, Y., Xue, D. S., Ni-Zn ferrite films with high resonance frequency in the gigahertz range deposited by magnetron sputtering at room temperature, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 42 (2009) 125006.
[56] Fan, X. L., Gui, Y. S., Wirthmann, A., Williams, G., Xue, D. S., Hu, C. M., Electrical detection of microwave assisted magnetization switching in a Permalloy microstrip, Applied Physics Letters, 95 (2009) 062511.
[57] Xue, D. S., Li, F. S., Fan, X. L., Wen, F. S., Bianisotropy Picture of Higher Permeability at Higher Frequencies, Chinese Phys Lett, 25 (2008) 4120-4123.
[58] Xue, D. S., Chai, G. Z., Li, X. L., Fan, X. L., Effects of grain size distribution on coercivity and permeability of ferromagnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 320 (2008) 1541-1543.
[59] Jiang, C. J., Xue, D. S., Fan, X. L., Liu, Q. F., Wang, J. B., In-plane anisotropy formation of Co thin film induced by FeMn covering layer, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 41 (2008) 055002.
[60] Fan, Xiaolong, Xue, Desheng, Lin, Min, Zhang, Zhengmei, Guo, Dangwei, Jiang, Changjun, Wei, Jianqiang, In situ fabrication of Co90Nb10 soft magnetic thin films with adjustable resonance frequency from 1.3to4.9GHz, Applied Physics Letters, 92 (2008) 222505.
[61] Chai, Guozhi, Xue, Desheng, Fan, Xiaolong, Li, Xiling, Guo, Dangwei, Extending the Snoek’s limit of single layer film in (Co96Zr4∕Cu)n multilayers, Applied Physics Letters, 93 (2008) 152516.
[62] Chai, Guozhi, Xue, Desheng, Fan, Xiaolong, Li, Xiling, Guo, Dangwei, Extending the Snoek's limit of single layer film in (Co96Zr 4/Cu)n multilayers, Applied Physics Letters, 93 (2008) 152516.
[63] Xue, D. S., Fan, X. L., Comment on "Dynamic anisotropy of thin permalloy films measured by use of angle-resolved pulsed inductive microwave magnetometry" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 202503 (2005)], Applied Physics Letters, 90 (2007) 116101.
[64] Liu, Qing Fang, Jiang, Chang Jun, Wang, Jian Bo, Fan, Xiao Long, Xue, De Sheng, Characterization and magnetic properties of iron-based alloy antidot arrays, Chinese Phys Lett, 24 (2007) 2081-2084.
[65] Jiang, C. J., Xue, D. S., Fan, X. L., Guo, D. W., Liu, Q. F., Anomalous positive exchange bias in nanostructured FeMn/Co/FeMn networks, Nanotechnology, 18 (2007) 335703.
[66] Fu, J. L., Yan, Z. J., Xu, Y., Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., Effects of annealing temperature on structure and magnetic properties of amorphous Fe61Co27P12 nanowire arrays, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 68 (2007) 2221-2226.
[67] Fan, X. L., Xue, D. S., Jiang, C. J., Gong, Y., Li, J. Y., An approach for researching uniaxial anisotropy magnet: Rotational magnetization, J Appl Phys, 102 (2007) 123901.
[68] Xue, D., Fan, X. L., Jiang, C. J., Method for analyzing the in-plane uniaxial anisotropy of soft magnetic thin film, Applied Physics Letters, 89 (2006) 011910.
[69] Liu, Q. F., Jiang, C. J., Fan, X. L., Wang, J. B., Xue, D. S., Low-temperature magnetic properties of Co antidot array, Chinese Phys Lett, 23 (2006) 1592-1595.
