
						罗洪刚,男,教授、博士生导师;北京计算科学研究中心客座教授。“长江学者”特聘教授(2015-2019),获国家杰出青年科学基金资助(2014-2017),入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2006)、国家百千万人才工程(2019)。第八届国务院学科评议组成员,教育部高等学校物理学类专业教学指导委员会委员(2018-2022),中国科学技术协会第十次全国代表大会代表;2019年担任中国物理学会第十二届理事会常务理事,2018年聘为甘肃省物理学会第十一届理事会副理事长;中国物理学会秋季学术会议组委会委员(2020-2024),中国物理学会凝聚态理论与统计物理专业委员会委员,中国科学院物理研究所学术委员会委员,中国科学院理论物理研究所学术委员会委员;“北航物理学科战略咨询委员会”委员(2019-2024);J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 杂志编委,《理论物理通讯》编委,《物理学报》和Chinese Physics B两刊第二十届编委会委员(2021-2025);甘肃省高等学校物理学类专业教学指导、认证与教材建设委员会主任委员(2021-2025)。

1) 1995.09–1999.06, 兰州大学-德国吉森大学联合培养, 粒子物理与核物理, 博士, 导师: 王顺金、W. Cassing
2) 1992.09–1995.06, 兰州大学, 理论物理, 硕士, 导师: 杨孔庆
3) 1988.09–1992.06, 兰州大学, 理论物理, 学士

1) 2006.08-至今, 兰州大学, 物理科学与技术学院, 教授
2) 2011.01-至今, 北京计算科学研究中心, 模拟实验室, 客座教授
3) 2003.11-2009.12, 中科院理论物理研究所, 兼职副研究员
4) 2002.01-2006.07, 兰州大学, 物理科学与技术学院, 副教授
5) 2001.10-2003.09, 中科院理论物理研究所博士后,合作导师:向涛
6) 2000.07-2001.12, 兰州大学, 物理科学与技术学院, 讲师
7) 1999.07-2001.06, 中科院近代物理研究所博士后,合作导师:刘建业
8) 1999.07-2000.06, 兰州大学, 物理科学与技术学院, 助教




						合作发表论文:List of Publications of Luo and his coauthors: 
1.Yun-Tong Yang,Hong-Gang Luo*,Characterizing Superradiant Phase of the Quantum Rabi Model,Chinese Physics Letters 40, 020502 (2023)
2.Shi-Nan Chen, Jin-Hua Sun*,Zhen-Hua Wang, Wei Su, Dong-Hui Xu, Hong-Gang Luo, Lin Li*,Kondo screening of single magnetic impurity doped type-II Ising superconductors,Phys. Rev. B 107, 075115 (2023)

1.Zhen-Hua Li, Zhi-Ming Yu, Jian-Hua Wei*, Hong-Gang Luo*, Probing the antiferromagnetic structure of bilayer CrI3 by second harmonic generation: A first-principles study, Phys. Rev. B 106, 235410(2022)
2.Yong-Xi Cheng, Zhen-Hua Li*, Xiao Zheng, Jian-Hua Wei*, Hong-Gang Luo*, Hai-Qing Lin, YiJing Yan, Magnetic Field Dependent Kondo Transport through Double Quantum Dots System, Annalen der Physik 534(4), 2100439(2022)
3.Yong-Feng Yang, Jing Chen, Chen Cheng*, Hong-Gang Luo*, Enhanced superconductivity and various edge modes in modulated t-J chains, Phys. Rev. B 105(16), 165123(2022)
4.Zhen-Hua Li, Yong-Xi Cheng,  Xiao Zheng, Jian-Hua Wei, Yi-Jing Yan, Hong-Gang Luo*, Study the mixed valence problem in asymmetric Anderson model: Fano–Kondo resonance around Fermi level, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34, 255601(2022)
5.Zhen-Hua Li*, Shui-quan Deng, Myung-Hwan Whangbo, Hong-Gang Luo, Orbital Projection Technique to Explore the Materials Genomes of Optical Susceptibilities, AIP Advances 12(5), 055206(2022)
6.Qian Li, Hong Li, Ji-ze Zhao*, Hong-Gang Luo, Z. Y. Xie†, Magnetization of the spin-Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice, Phys. Rev. B 105(18), 184418(2022)
7.Zhen-Hua Li*, An-min Zhang, Hong-Gang Luo, The Microscopic Origin of Second Harmonic Generation Response: The Spatial Structure of Instantaneous Dipole Moments in Electron Excitation, Angewandte Chemie Internationl Edition 61(44), e202212125(2022)
8.罗洪刚,物理教育观念之转变——从“物理学科”到“物理科学”*,《物理》, 51(3), P201-204(2022)

1.Xiao Zhang, Tao Zhu, Hong-Chuan Du, Hong-Gang Luo*, Jeroen van den Brink, Rajyavardhan Ray*,Extended high-harmonic spectra through a cascade resonance in confined quantum systems, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033026(2021)
2.Lin Li*, Jin-Hua Sun, Wei Su, Zhen-Hua Wang, Dong-Hui Xu , Hong-Gang Luo, Wei-Qiang Chen*, Kondo effect in a hybrid superconductor–quantum-dot–superconductor junction with proximity-induced p-wave pairing states, Phys. Rev. B 103(12), 125144 (2021)
3.Lan Zhang, Yin Zhong*, Hong-Gang Luo *, Resistivity minimum emerges in Anderson impurity model modified with Sachdev–Ye–Kitaev interaction, Chin. Phys. B 30(4), 047106(2021)
4.Fu-Zhou Chen, Chen Cheng, Hong-Gang Luo*, Real-space parallel density matrix renormalization group with adaptive boundaries, Chin. Phys. B 30(8), 080202(2021)
5.Jun-peng Liu, Mao-xin Liu*, Zu-Jian Ying*, Hong-Gang Luo* , Fundamental Models in the Light–Matter Interaction: Quantum  Phase Transitions and the Polaron Picture, Adv. Quantum Technol 4(9), 2000139(2021)
6.Peng-Bin Niu*, Hong-Gang Luo, Interplay between Majorana fermion and impurity in thermal-driven transport model,(牛鹏斌† 罗洪刚 ,马约拉纳费米子与杂质自旋相互作用的热偏压输运* ,物 理 学 报) Acta Phys. Sin 70(11), 117401(2021)
7.Yu-Yu Zhang*, Zi-Xiang Hu, Li-bin Fu,Hong-Gang Luo, Han Pu, Xue-Feng Zhang (张学锋)*,Quantum Phases in a Quantum Rabi Triangle, Phys. Rev. Lett 127, 063602 (2021) 
8.Wei-Fe Zhuang, Bin Geng, Hong-Gang Luo, Guang-Can Guo, Ming Gong*, Universality class and exact phase boundary in the superradiant phase transition, Phys. Rev. A 104(5), 053308(2021)
9.Yong-Xi Cheng, Zhen-Hua Li*,Jian-Hua Wei, Hong-Gang Luo, Hai-Qing Lin, Thermoelectric transport through strongly correlated double quantum dots with Kondo resonance, Physics Letters A 415,127657(2021)
10.Wei-Wei Yang, Yin-Xia Li, Yin Zhong*,Hong-Gang Luo, Doping a Mott insulator in an Ising-Kondo lattice: Strange metal and Mott criticality, Phys. Rev. B 104(16), 165146(2021)
11.Peng-Bin Niu*,  Bo-Xiang Cui, Hong-Gang Luo, Negative tunnel magnetoresistance in a quantum dot induced by interplay of a Majorana fermion and thermal-driven ferromagnetic leads*, Chin. Phys. B 30(9), 097401(2021)
12.Wen-jie Hou,  Jian-Liu, Xi Zuo, Jian Xu, Xue-ying Zhang,De-sheng Liu, Ming-wen Zhao, Zhen-Gang Zhu*,Hong-Gang Luo*, Wei-sheng Zhao*, Prediction of crossing nodal-lines and large intrinsic spin Hall conductivity in topological Dirac semimetal Ta3As family, NPJ Computational Materials 7(1), 37(2021)
13.罗洪刚; 王建波; 刘玉孝; 吴国军,“课程群”教学体系:分级教学与实践,《物理与工程》, 31(03),22~28,2021,基金标注:教育部新工科研究与实践项目“依托物理学科培养新工科高层次人才”(项目负责人:罗洪刚); 兰州大学教学项目(2018101,2018102)支持;

1. Peng-Bin Niu, Li-Xiang Liu* , Xiao-Qiang Su, Li-Juan Dong, Yun-Long Shi, Hong-Gang Luo, Spin-resolved transport through a quantum dot driven by bias and temperature gradient, Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 119, 114030 (2020)
2. Yong-Xi Cheng, Zhen-Hua Li, Jian-Hua Wei*, Hong-Gang Luo*, Hai-Qing Lin, Yi-Jing Yan, Kondo resonance assisted thermoelectric transport through strongly correlated quantum dots, Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 63, 297811(2020)
3. Chen-Rong Liu, Liang Huang*, Hong-Gang Luo, Ying-Cheng Lai, Spin Fano Resonances and Control in Two-Dimensional Mesoscopic Transport, Phys. Rev. A 13,034061(2020)
4. Kai Bai, Hong-Gang Luo, Wen-Xian Zhang, Meng Xiao*, Non-Markovian effect on quantum optical metrology under a dissipative environment, Phys. Rev. A 101, 022115(2020)
5. Can Shao*, Takami Tohyama, Hong-Gang Luo, Han-Tao Lu*, Analysis of time-resolved single-particle spectrum on the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model, Phys. Rev. B 101, 045128(2020)
6. Wan-Xiu He, Zhan Cao*, Gao-Yang Li, Lin Li, Hai-Feng Lu, Zhen-Hua Li, Hong-Gang Luo*, Performance of the T-matrix based master equation for Coulomb drag in double quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 101,035417(2020)
7. Yu Zhang, Lin Li*, Jin-Hua Sun, Dong-Hui Xu, Rong Lu, Hong-Gang Luo, Wei-Qiang Chen*, Kondo effect in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide Ising superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 101,035124(2020)
8. Wen-Li Zhu, Wei Wu*, Hong-Gang Luo, Effect of system-reservoir correlations on temperature estimation, Chin. Phys. B 29, 020501(2020)
9.Xi-mei Sun, Lei Cong, Hans-Peter Eckle, Zu-jianYing, Hong-Gang Luo, Application of the polaron picture in the two-qubit quantum Rabi model, Phys. Rev. A 101, 063832(2020).
10. Yi-min Wang# , Mao-xin Liu * ,  Wen-LongYou*,  Stefano Chesi,  Hong-Gang Luo, Hai-Qing Lin, Resilience of the superradiant phase against A(2) effects in the quantum Rabi dimer, Phys. Rev. A 101(6), 063843(2020)
11. Zhang, Lan#; Zhong, Yin*; Luo, Hong-Gang; Lifshitz transition in triangular lattice Kondo-Heisenberg model*, Chin. Phys. B 29(7), 077102(2020)
12. Yan Zhang#, Bin-Bin Mao, Da-zhi Xu, Yu-Yu Zhang, Wen-Long You*, Mao-xin Liu*, Hong-Gang Luo*, Quantum phase transitions and critical behaviors in the two-mode three-level quantum Rabi model, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 53(31), 315302(2020)
13. Peng-Bin Niu, Li-xiang Liu*, Xiao-qiang Su, Li-juan Dong, Yun-long Shi, Hong-Gang Luo, Spin Seebeck effect induced by a Majorana zero mode in a nanomagnet. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 124, 114313 (2020).
14. Peng-Bin Niu, Li-xiang Liu*, Xiao-qiang Su, Li-juan Dong, Yun-long Shi, Hong-Gang Luo, Fraction conductivity induced by a Majorana zero mode in a nanomagnet. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 506, 166795 (2020).
15. Fu-zhou Chen, Chen Cheng, Hong-Gang Luo*, Improved hybrid parallel strategy for density matrix renormalization group method, Chin. Phys. B 29, 070202 (2020).
16. Wei-Wei Yang, Yin Zhong*, Hong-Gang Luo, Hexagonal Ising-Kondo lattice: An implication for intrinsic antiferromagnetic topological insulator, Phys. Rev. B 102, 195141 (2020).
17. 罗洪刚; 王建波; 刘玉孝; 吴国军,“教研室”管理体系:物理学“课程群”管理,《物理与工程》, 30(1),21~26,2020,基金标注:教育部新工科研究与实践项目“依托物理学科培养新工科高层次人才”(项目负责人:罗洪刚); 兰州大学教学项目(2018101,2018102)支持;

1.Peng-Bin Niu, Li-Xiang Liu*, Xiao-Qiang Su, Li-Juan Dong, Yun-Long Shi, Hong-Gang Luo, Spin-resolved transport physics induced by a Majorana-fermion zero mode, AIP Advances 9, 125115(2019)
2.Xiao Zhang, Jin-Bin Li, Zong-Sheng Zhou, Sheng-Jun Yue, Hong-Chuan Du*, Li-Bin Fu, Hong-Gang Luo*, Ellipticity dependence transition induced by dynamical Bloch oscillations, Phys. Rev. B 99, 014304 (2019)
3.Can Shao,Takami Tohyama*, Hong-Gang Luo, Han-Tao Lu*, Photoinduced charge carrier dynamics in Hubbard two-leg ladders and chains, Phys. Rev. B 99, 035121 (2019)
4.Yong-Xi Cheng, Yuan-Dong Wang, Jian-Hua Wei*, Hong-Gang Luo, Hai-Qing Lin, Long-range overlapping of Kondo clouds in open triple quantum dots, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 31,155302(8pp)(2019) 
5.Bin-Bin Mao, Liang-Sheng Li, Yi-Min Wang, Wen-Long You, Wei Wu, Mao-Xin Liu*, Hong-Gang Luo*, Variational generalized rotating-wave approximation in the two-qubit quantum Rabi model, Phys. Rev. A 99(3), 033834(2019)
6.Zong-sheng Zhou, Fu-zhou Chen, Yin Zhong, Hong-Gang Luo, Ji-Ze Zhao*, Parity dependent phase diagrams in spin-cluster two-leg ladders, Phys. Rev. B 99(20), 205143(2019)
7.Hai-Qing Lin*, Mao-Xin Liu, Stefano Chesi, Hong-Gang Luo, Studies on the Rabi Model,Journal of Physics: Conference Series in 2019,1163, UNSP 012003 (会议)
8.Fu-Zhou Chen, Chen Cheng, Hong-Gang Luo*, Hybrid parallel optimization of density matrix renormalization group method, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 68(12), 120202(2019)
9.Can Shao*, Han-Tao Lu*, Hong-Gang Luo, Rubem Mondaini*, Photoinduced enhancement of bond order in the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model, Phys. Rev. B 100, 041114(R) (2019)
10.Wei-Wei Yang, Ji-Ze Zhao, Hong-Gang Luo*, Yin Zhong*, Exactly solvable Kondo lattice model in the anisotropic limit, Phys. Rev. B 100, 045148(2019)
11.Kai Yang, Hui Chen, Thomas Pope , Yi-Bin Hu, Li-Wei Liu, Dong-Fei Wang , Lei Tao, Wen-De Xiao , Xiang-Min Fei, Yu-Yang Zhang, Hong-Gang Luo, Shi-Xuan Du, Tao Xiang, Werner A. Hofer*, Hong-Jun Gao*, Tunable giant magnetoresistance in a singlemolecul junction, Nat. Commun. 10:3599(2019) 
12.Lei Cong, Xi-Mei Sun, Mao-Xin Liu, Zu-Jian Ying*, Hong-Gang Luo*, Polaron picture of the two-photon quantum Rabi model, Phys. Rev. A 99, 013815 (2019)
13.Yin Zhong*, Qin Wang, Yu Liu*, Hai-Feng Song, Ke Liu, Hong-Gang Luo*, Finite temperature physics of 1D topological Kondo insulator: Stable Haldane phase, emergent energy scale and beyond, Front. Phys. 14(2), 23602(2019)
14.Kai Bai, Zhen Peng, Hong-Gang Luo, Jun-Hong An*, Retrieving Ideal Precision in Noisy Quantum Optical Metrology, Phys. Rev. Lett 123, 040402 (2019)
15.Wei-Wei Yang, Hong-Gang Luo, Yin Zhong*, Benchmarking the simplest slave-particle theory with Hubbard dimer, Chin. Phys. B 28(10), 107103(2019)
16.罗洪刚; 王建波; 刘玉孝;“课程群”组织体系:对物理学基础课程教学体系的思考,《物理与工程》, 29(2),35~38、44,2019, 基金标注:教育部新工科研究与实践项目“依托物理学科培养新工科高层次人才”(项目负责人:罗洪刚); 兰州大学教学项目(2018101,2018102)支持;

1. Lin Li, Ming-Xin Gao, Zhen-Hua Wang, Hong-Gang Luo, and Wei-Qiang Chen, Rashba-induced Kondo screening of a magnetic impurity in a two-dimensional superconductor, Phys. Rev. B 97, 064519 (2018)
2. Pengbin Niu, Lixiang Liu, Xiaoqiang Su, Lijuan Dong, and Hong-Gang Luo, Spin Seebeck effect in a metal-single-molecule-magnet-metal junction, AIP ADVANCES 8, 015215 (2018)
3. Bin-Bin Mao(毛斌斌), Maoxin Liu(刘卯鑫), Wei Wu(吴威), Liangsheng Li(李粮生), Zu-Jian Ying(应祖建), and Hong-Gang Luo(罗洪刚), An analytical variational method for the biased quantum Rabi model in the ultra-strong coupling regime, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 27, No. 5 (2018) 054219
4. Pengbin Niu, Lixiang Liu, Xiaoqiang Su, Lijuan Dong, Hong-Gang Luo,Spin current generator in a single molecular magnet with spin bias, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 465 (2018) 9–13
5. Yimin Wang, Wen-Long You, Maoxin Liu, Yu-Li Dong, Hong-Gang Luo, G. Romero and JQ You, Quantum criticality and state engineering in the simulated anisotropic quantum Rabi model, New J. Phys. 20 (2018) 053061
6. Lin Li, Jin-Hua Sun, Zhen-Hua Wang, Dong-Hui Xu, Hong-Gang Luo, and Wei-Qiang Chen, Magnetic states and Kondo screening in Weyl semimetals with chiral anomaly,Phys. Rev. B 98, 075110 (2018)
7. Huan Li , Yin Zhong , Yu Liu, Hong-Gang Luo and Hai-Feng Song, Z2 classification for a novel antiferromagnetic topological insulating phase in three-dimensional topological Kondo insulator, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30 (2018) 435601 (15pp)

1. Yin Zhong, Lan Zhang, Can Shao, and Hong-Gang Luo, Superfluid response in heavy fermion superconductors, Front. Phys. 12, 127101 (2017).
2. Maoxin Liu, Zu-Jian Ying, Jun-Hong An, Hong-Gang Luo, and Hai-Qin Lin, The asymmetric quantum Rabi model in the polaron picture, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 (2017) 084003 (16pp).
3. Zhan Cao, Tie-Feng Fang, Wan-Xiu He and Hong-Gang Luo, Thermoelectric unipolar spin battery in a suspended carbon nanotube, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 165302 (9pp).
4. ZhenHua Li, JianHua Wei, Xiao Zheng, YiJing Yan, and Hong-Gang Luo, Corrected Kondo temperature beyond the conventional Kondo scaling limit, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 175601 (8pp).
5. Zhan Cao, Tie-Feng Fang, Qing-Feng Sun, and Hong-Gang Luo, Inelastic Kondo-Andreev tunneling in a vibrating quantum dot, Phys. Rev. B 95, 121110(R) (2017).
6. Lei Cong, Xi-Mei Sun, Maoxin Liu, Zu-Jian Ying, and Hong-Gang Luo, Frequency-renormalized multipolaron expansion for the quantum Rabi model, Phys. Rev. A 95, 063803 (2017).
7. Yin Zhong, Yu Liu and Hong-Gang Luo,Topological phase in 1D topological Kondo insulator: Z2 topological insulator, Haldane-like phase and Kondo breakdown,Eur. Phys. J. B (2017) 90: 147
8. Tie-Feng Fang, Ai-Min Guo, Han-Tao Lu, Hong-Gang Luo, and Qing-Feng Sun,Charge Kondo effect in negative-U quantum dots with superconducting electrodes,Phys. Rev. B 96, 085131 (2017).
9. Maoxin Liu, Stefano Chesi, Zu-Jian Ying, Xiaosong Chen, Hong-Gang Luo, and Hai-Qing Lin, Universal Scaling and Critical Exponents of the Anisotropic Quantum Rabi Model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 220601 (2017) (Editors' Suggestion).
10. Bin-Bin Mao, Chen Cheng, Fu-Zhou Chen & Hong-Gang Luo, Magnetization jump in one dimensional J-Q2 model with anisotropic exchange, Scientific Reports (2017) 7:18104.

1. Pengbin Niu, Yunlong  Shi, Zhu Sun, Yi-HangNie, Hong-Gang Luo, Kondo peak splitting and Kondo  dip in single molecular magnet junctions, Journal of Magnetism and  Magnetic Materials 398, 131–136 (2016).
2. Pengbin Niu, Yunlong Shi,  Zhu Sun, Yi-Hang Nie and Hong-Gang Luo, Thermoelectric ZT enhanced by  asymmetric configuration in single-molecule-magnet junctions, J. Phys.  D: Appl. Phys. 49 (2016) 045002 (6pp).
3. Yin Zhong, Han-Tao Lu and Hong-Gang Luo, Superfluid density in the slave-boson theory, Eur. Phys. J. B (2016) 89: 28.
4. Baobing  Zheng, Meiguang Zhang, Shaomei Chang, Yaru Zhao, and Hong-Gang Luo,  Shear-Induced Structural Transformation for Tetragonal BC4 , J. Phys.  Chem. C 120 (1), pp 581–586 (2016).
5. Can Shao, Takami Tohyama, Hong-Gang Luo, and Hantao Lu, Numerical method to compute optical conductivity based on pump-probe simulations, Phys. Rev. B 93, 195144 (2016).
6. Lin Li, Zhan Cao, Tie-Feng Fang, Hong-Gang Luo, and Wei-Qiang Chen, Kondo screening of Andreev bound states in a normal metal-quantum dot-superconductor system, Phys. Rev. B 94, 165144 (2016).

1. Yin Zhong, Han-Tao Lu,  Hong-Gang Luo, Absence of coherent peaks in a Z2 fractionalized BCS  superconducting state, Physica B 456, 221-226 (2015). 
2. Hai-Ping Hu,  Chen Cheng, Hong-Gang Luo, Shu Chen, Topological incommensurate  magnetization plateaus in quasi-periodic quantum spin chains, Scientific  Reports 5, 8433 (2015). 
3. Yin Zhong, LanZhang, Han-Tao Lu,  Hong-Gang Luo, Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity  of t-t'-J model on honeycomb lattice, Physica B 462, 1-7 (2015). 
4. Dun  Zhao, Shu-Wei Song, Lin Wen, Zai-Dong Li, Hong-Gang Luo, and Wu-Ming  Liu, Topological defects and inhomogeneous spin patterns induced by the  quadratic Zeeman effect in spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. A  91, 013619 (2015). 
5. Liang Huang, Ying-Cheng Lai, Hong-Gang Luo,  and Celso Grebogi, Universal formalism of Fano resonance, AIP Advances  5, 017137 (2015). 
6. Baobing Zheng, Meiguang Zhang, and Hong-Gang  Luo, Pressure effect on structural, elastic, and thermodynamic  properties of tetragonal B4C4, AIP Advances 5, 037123 (2015).
7. Maoxin  Liu, Zu-Jian Ying, Jun-Hong An, and Hong-Gang Luo, Mean photon number  dependent variational method to the Rabi model, New J. Phys. 17, 043001  (2015).
8. Chen Cheng, Bin-Bin Mao, Fu-Zhou Chen and Hong-Gang Luo,  Phase diagram of the one-dimensional t-J model with long-range dipolar  interactions, EPL 110, 37002 (2015).
9. Chong Chen, Jun-Hong An,  Hong-Gang Luo, C. P. Sun, and C. H. Oh, Floquet control of quantum  dissipation in spin chains, Phys. Rev. A 91, 052122 (2015).
10. Chen  Cheng, Bin-Bin Mao, Fu-Zhou Chen and Hong-Gang Luo, Phase separation in  one-dimensional hard-core boson system with two- and three-body  interactions, Eur. Phys. J. B 88, 152 (2015).
11. Jindong Ren, Xu Wu,  Haiming Guo, Jinbo Pan, Shixuan Du, Hong-Gang Luo, and Hong-Jun Gao,  Lateral manipulation and interplay of local Kondo resonances in a  two-impurity Kondo system, Applied Physics Letters 107, 071604 (2015).
12. 毛斌斌, 程晨, 陈富州, 罗洪刚, 一维扩展t-J 模型中密度-自旋相互作用诱导的相分离,Acta Physica Sinica 64, 187105 (2015).
13. Yin  Zhong, Lan Zhang, Han-Tao Lu and Hong-Gang Luo, Fermionology in the  Kondo-Heisenberg model: the case of CeCoIn5, Eur. Phys. J. B 88, 238  (2015).
14. Zhan Cao, Tie-Feng Fang, Qiao Chen and Hong-Gang Luo,  Currents and current correlations in a topological superconducting  nanowire beam splitter, EPL 111, 57002 (2015).
15. Tie-Feng Fang,  Ning-Hua Tong, Zhan Cao, Qing-Feng Sun, and Hong-Gang Luo, Spin  susceptibility of Anderson impurities in arbitrary conduction bands,  Phys. Rev. B 92, 155129 (2015).
16. Lan Zhang, Yu-Feng Wang, Yin Zhong  and Hong-Gang Luo, Extended s-wave pairing symmetry on the triangular  lattice heavy fermion system, Eur. Phys. J. B 88, 267 (2015).
17. Zu-Jian  Ying, Maoxin Liu, Hong-Gang Luo, Hai-Qing Lin, and J. Q. You,  Ground-state phase diagram of the quantum Rabi model, Phys. Rev. A 92,  053823 (2015).
18. Zhan Cao, Tie-Feng Fang, Lin Li, and Hong-Gang Luo,  Thermoelectric-induced unitary Cooper pair splitting efficiency, App.  Phys. Lett. 107, 212601 (2015).
19. Lin Li, Zhan Cao, Hong-Gang Luo,  Fu-Chun Zhang, and Wei-Qiang Chen, Fano resonance in a normal  metal/ferromagnet-quantum dot- superconductor device, Phys. Rev. B 92,  195155 (2015). 
20. Pengbin Niu,Yun-Long Shi, Zhu Sun, Yi-Hang Nie  & Hong-Gang Luo,Kondo peak splitting and Kondo dip induced by a  local moment, Sci. Rep. 5, 18021(2015); doi: 10.1038/srep18021 (2015). 

1. Yin Zhong, Yu-Feng  Wang, Han-Tao Lu, Hong-Gang Luo, Kondo spin liquid in the Kondo necklace  model: Classical disordered phase versus symmetry- protected  topological state, Physica B 446, 22-27 (2014). 
2. Qing-Jun Tong,  Jun-Hong An, L. C. Kwek, Hong-Gang Luo, and C. H. Oh, Simulating Zeno  physics by a quantum quench with superconducting circuits, Phys. Rev. A  89, 060101(R) (2014).
3. Jindong Ren, Haiming Guo, Jinbo Pan, Yu Yang  Zhang, Xu Wu, Hong-Gang Luo, Shixuan Du, S. T. Pantelides, and Hong-Jun  Gao, Kondo Effect of Cobalt Adatoms on a Graphene Monolayer Controlled  by Substrate- Induced Ripples, Nano Letters 14, 4011-4015 (2014). 
4. Lin  Li, Bao-Bing Zheng, Wei-Qiang Chen, Hua Chen, Hong-Gang Luo, and  Fu-Chun Zhang, 0-π transition characteristic of the Josephson current in  a carbon nanotube quantum dot, Phy. Rev. B 89, 245135 (2014). 
5. Haiping  Hu, Chen Cheng, Zhihao Xu, Hong-Gang Luo, and Shu Chen, Topological  nature of magnetization plateaus in periodically modulated quantum spin  chains, Phy. Rev. B 90, 035150 (2014). 
6. Yu-Juan Zhang, Dun Zhao,  Hong-Gang Luo, Multi-soliton management by the integrable nonautonomous  nonlinear integro-differential Schroinger equation, Annals of Physics  350 112-123 (2014). 
7. Chun-Jie Yang, Jun-Hong An, Hong-Gang Luo,  Yading Li, and C. H. Oh, Canonical versus noncanonical equilibration  dynamics of open quantum systems, Phys. Rev. E 90, 022122 (2014). 

1. Yin Zhong, Yu-Feng  Wang, Yong-Qiang Wang, and Hong-Gang Luo, Topological antiferromagnetic  spin-density-wave phase in an extended Kondo lattice model, Phys. Rev. B  87, 035128 (2013). 
2. T. F. Xu, X. L. Jing, H. G. Luo, W. C. Wu, and  C. S. Liu, Gap solitons of a super-Tonks-Girardeau gas in a  one-dimensional periodic potential, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46,  035310 (2013). 3. Hong-Gang Luo, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 27, 1302001  (2013). 
3. Yin Zhong and Hong-Gang Luo, Ortihogonal Dirac semimetal on honeycomb lattice, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 27, 136002 (2013). 
4. Yin  Zhong, Ke Liu, Yu-Feng Wang, Yong-Qiang Wang, and Hong-Gang Luo,  Half-filled Kondo lattice on the honeycomb lattice, Eur. Phys. J. B  86:195(2013).
5. Lin Li, Yang-Yang Ni, Yin Zhong, Tie-Feng Fang,  Hong-Gang Luo, The Kondo effect of an adatom in graphene and its  scanning tunneling spectroscopy, New J. Phys. 15, 053108 (2013)  (Highlights of 2013 ).
6. Qing-Jun Tong, Jun-Hong An, Jiangbin Gong,  Hong-Gang Luo, and C. H. Oh, Generating many Majorana modes via periodic  driving: A superconductor model, Phys. Rev. B 87, 201109(R) (2013).
7. Hai-Bin  Liu, Jun-Hong An, Chong Chen, Qing-Jun Tong, Hong-Gang Luo, and C. H.  Oh, Anomalous decoherence in a dissipative two-level system, Phys. Rev. A  87, 052139 (2013).
8. Yin Zhong, Yu-Feng Wang, and Hong-Gang Luo, Z2  fractionalized Chern/topological insulators in an exactly soluble  correlated model, Phys. Rev. B 88, 045109 (2013). 
9. Ying-Qi Lu,  Jun-Hong An, Xi-Meng Chen, Hong-Gang Luo, and C. H. Oh, Frozen Gaussian  quantum discord in photonic crystal cavity array system, Phys. Rev. A  88, 012129 (2013). 
10. Yin Zhong, Yu-Feng Wang, Han-Tao Lu, and  Hong-Gang Luo, Topological quantum phase transition in Kane-Mele-Kondo  lattice model, Phys. Rev. B 88, 235111 (2013). 

1. Zhan Cao, Yu-Feng  Wang, and Hong-Gang Luo, Inhomogeneity of the phase space of the damped  harmonic oscillator under L?evy noise, Phys. Rev. E 85, 042101 (2012). 
2. Cai-Ying  Ding, Dun Zhao and Hong-Gang Luo, Painlev?e integrability of  two-component nonautonomous nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations, J. Phys.  A: Math. Theor. 45, 115203 (2012). 
3. Yin Zhong, Ke Liu, and  Hong-Gang Luo, Extended dual description of Mott transition beyond  two-dimensional space, Phys. Rev. B 85, 075106 (2012). 
4. X. Y. Tee,  H. G. Luo, T. Xiang, D. Vandervelde, M. B. Salamon, H. Sugawara, H.  Sato, C. Panagopoulos, and Elbert E. M. Chia, Penetration depth study of  LaOs4Sb12: Multiband s-wave superconductivity, Phys. Rev. B 86, 064518  (2012). 
5. Yin Zhong, Ke Liu, Yong-Qiang Wang, and Hong-Gang Luo,  Alternative Kondo breakdown mechanism: Orbital-selective orthogonal  metal transition, Phys. Rev. B 86, 115113 (2012). 
6. Yin Zhong, Ke  Liu, Yong-Qiang Wang, and Hong-Gang Luo,Correlated metallic state in  honeycomb lattice: Orthogonal Dirac semimetal,Phys. Rev. B 86, 165134  (2012) 
7. T. F. Xu, X. L. Jing, H. G. Luo, W. C. Wu and C. S. Liu,  Interplay between periodicity and nonlinearity of indirect excitons in  coupled quantum wells, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 455301 (2012)  (8pp). 
8. Zhonghua Zhu, Daqiang Gao, Chunhui Dong, Guijin Yang, Jing  Zhang, Jinlin Zhang, Zhenhua Shi, Hua Gao, Honggang Luo and Desheng Xue,  Coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in YBCO  nanoparticles, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 3859-3863 (2012). 

1. Lin Li, Yang-Yang  Ni, Tie-Feng Fang, and Hong-Gang Luo, Compensation effect in carbon  nanotube quantum dots coupled to polarized electrodes in the presence of  spin-orbit coupling, Phys. Rev. B 84, 235405 (2011).
2. Cai-Ying  Ding, Xiao-Fei Zhang, Dun Zhao, Hong-Gang Luo, and W. M. Liu,  Matter-wave solitons in heteronuclear atomic Bose-Einstein condensates  with synchronously controllable interactions and potentials, Phys. Rev. A  84, 053631 (2011). 
3. Qing-Jun Tong, Jun-Hong An, Hong-Gang Luo, and  C. H. Oh, Quantum phase transition in the delocalized regime of the  spin-boson model, Phys. Rev. B 84, 174301 (2011). 
4. Tie-Feng Fang,  Qing-feng Sun, and Hong-Gang Luo, Phonon-assisted transport through  suspended carbon nanotube quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 84, 155417 (2011). 
5. Qing-Jun  Tong, Jun-Hong An, Hong-Gang Luo, and C. H. Oh, Entanglement  distribution over the subsystems and its invariance, Quantum Information  and Computation, Vol. 11, No. 9&10 (2011). 
6. Dun Zhao, Yu-Juan  Zhang, Wei-Wei Lou, and Hong-Gang Luo, AKNS hierarchy, Darboux  transformation and conservation laws of the 1D nonautonomous nonlinear  Schr ¨ odinger equations, J. Math. Phys. 52, 043502 (2011). 

1. Tie-Feng Fang and Hong-Gang Luo, Tuning the Kondo and Fano effects in double quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 81, 113402 (2010). 
2. Tie-Feng  Fang, Wei Zuo, and Hong-Gang Luo, Erratum: Kondo Effect in Carbon  Nanotube Quantum Dots with Spin-Orbit Coupling [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101,  246805 (2008)], PRL 104, 169902 (2010). 
3. Juan-Juan Chen, Jun-Hong  An, Qing-Jun Tong, Hong-Gang Luo, and C. H. Oh, Non-Markovian effect on  the geometric phase of a dissipative qubit, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022120  (2010). 
4. Qing-Jun Tong, Jun-Hong An, Hong-Gang Luo, and C. H. Oh,  Mechanism of entanglement preservation, Phys. Rev. A 81, 052330 (2010). 
5. H.-G.  Luo, M.-P. Qin, and T. Xiang, Optimizing Hartree-Fock orbitals by the  density-matrix renormalization group, Phys. Rev. B 81, 235129 (2010). 
6. Qing-Jun Tong, Jun-Hong An, Hong-Gang Luo and C H Oh, Decoherence suppression of  a dissipative qubit by the non-Markovian effect, J. Phys. B: At. Mol.  Opt. Phys. 43 (2010) 155501 (7pp). 

1. Hong-Gang Luo, Dun  Zhao, and Xu-Gang He, Exactly controllable transmission of nonautonomous  optical solitons, Phys. Rev. A 79, 063802 (2009). 
2. Xu-Gang He, Dun  Zhao, Lin Li, and Hong-Gang Luo, Engineering integrable nonautonomous  nonlinear Schr?dinger equations, Phys. Rev. E 79, 056610 (2009). 
3. Xing-Hua  Hu, Xiao-Fei Zhang, Dun Zhao, Hong-Gang Luo, and W. M. Liu, Dynamics  and modulation of ring dark solitons in two-dimensional Bose-Einstein  condensates with tunable interaction, Phys. Rev. A 79, 023619 (2009). 
4. X.-G.  He, D. Zhao, and H.-G. Luo, Transformation from the nonautonomous to  standard NLS equations, Eur. Phys. J. D 53, 213 (2009) . 
5. T. Xiang,  H.-G. Luo, D. H. Lu, K. M. Shen, and Z. X. Shen, Intrinsic electron and  hole bands in electron-doped cuprate superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 79,  014524 (2009). 

1. Tie-Feng Fang, Wei Zuo,  and Hong-Gang Luo, Kondo Effect in Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots with  Spin-Orbit Coupling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 246805 (2008). 
2. Dun  Zhao, Hong-Gang Luo, Hua-Yue Chai, Integrability of the Gross–Pitaevskii  equation with Feshbach resonance management, Physics Letters A 372  (2008) 5644–5650. 
3. ZHAO Dun, WANG Shun-Jin, and LUO Hong-Gang,  Differential Representations of SO(4) Dynamical Group, Commun. Theor.  Phys. (Beijing, China) 50 (2008) pp. 63–68. 
4. H. G. Luo, Y. H. Su,  and T. Xiang, Scaling analysis of normal-state properties of  high-temperature superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 77, 014529 (2008). 

1. Dun Zhao, S. J.  Wang, and H.-G. Luo, The calculation of differential representations of  dynamical Lorentz group SO(3,1) as an example, Acta Mathematica Scientia  Series 27 A(5): 819-829 (2007). 
2. J. H. An, S. J. Wang, and H.-G. Luo, Entanglement dynamics of qubits in a common environment, Physica A 382, 753-764 (2007). 

1. C. S. Liu, H.-G.  Luo, and W. C. Wu, Patter formation of indirect excitons in coupled  quantum wells, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18, 9659-9668 (2006).
2. C.  S. Liu, H.-G. Luo, W. C. Wu, and T. Xiang, Two-band model of Raman  scattering on electron-doped high-Tc superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 73,  174517 (2006). 
3. Y. H. Su, H.-G. Luo, and T. Xiang, Universal  scaling behavior of the c-axis resistivity of high-temperature  superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 73, 134510 (2006). 
4. H.-G. Luo, T. Xiang, X. Q. Wang, Z. B. Su, and L. Yu, Luo et al. reply, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 019702 (2006). 

1. J. H. An, S. J.  Wang, and H. G. Luo, Constraint dynamics and tracking control to  coherence of a thermal dissipative qubit, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22,  3009-3012 (2005). 
2. W. Q. Ran, J. Chang, H. T. Lu, Y. H. Su, H. G.  Luo, and T. Xiang, Geometrical structure effect on the localization  length of carbon nanotubes, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22, 2375-2378 (2005). 
3. H.  T. Lu, Y. H. Su, L. Q. Sun, J. Chang, C. S. Liu, H. G. Luo, and T.  Xiang, Thermodynamic properties of tetrameric bond-alternating spin  chains, Phy. Rev. B 71, 144426 (2005). 
4. Jun-Hong An, Shun-Jin Wang,  and Hong-Gang Luo, Entanglement production and decoherence-free  subspace of two single-mode cavities embedded in a common environment,  J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38, 3579–3593 (2005). 
5. H. G. Luo and T. Xiang, Superfluid Response in Electron-Doped Cuprate Superconductors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 027001 (2005). 
6. Dun  Zhao, Hong-Gang Luo, Shun-Jin Wang, Wei Zuo, A direct truncation method  for finding abundant exact solutions and application to the  one-dimensional higher-order Schrodinger equation, Chaos, Solitons and  Fractals 24, 533-547 (2005). 

1. Jun-Hong An,  Shun-Jin Wang, Hong-Gang Luo, and Cheng-Long Jia, A two-level atom  coupled to a controllable squeezed vacuum field reservoir, J. Opt. B:  Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 6, 510-516 (2004). 
2. J. Chang, Y. H. Su,  H.-G. Luo, H. T. Lu, and T. Xiang, Effect of impurity resonance states  on the NMR spectra of high-Tc cuprates, Phys. Rev. B 70, 212507 (2004). 
3. H.-G.  Luo, T. Xiang, X.Q. Wang, Z. B. Su, and L. Yu, Fano resonance in the  Anderson impurity systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 256602 (2004). 
4. Shun-Jin  Wang, Cheng-Long Jia, Jun-Hong An, and Hong-Gang Luo, Spin switch and  qubit register from a spin particle controlled by a time-dependent  magnetic field, Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 778 (2004). 
5. Cheng-Long Jia,  Shun-Jin Wang, Hong-Gang Luo, and Jun-Hong An, Electron spin transport  through an Aharonov-Bohm ring – a spin switch, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter  16, 2043 (2004). 
6. Jun-Hong An, Shun-Jin Wang, Hong-Gang Luo,  Cheng-Long Jia , Production of squeezed state of single mode cavity  field by the coupling of squeezed vacuum field reservoir in  nonautonomous case, Chin. Phys. Lett. 21, 1 (2004). 

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1. S. J. Wang, D. Zhao,  H.-G. Luo, L. X. Cen, and C. L. Jia, Exact solution to the von Neumann  equation of the quantum characteristic function of the two-level  Jaynes-Cummings model, Phys. Rev. A 64, 052102 (2001). 

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12)国家自然科学基金重点项目,11834005, 混合量子系统: 量子多体问题的构筑单元,2019/01-2023/12, 310万元,在研,主持 
4)国家自然科学基金重点项目,20433070,共轭分子系统中电子关联及激发态的研究,2005/01-2008/12,本人承担50万元, 已结题,参加
2)国家自然科学基金面上项目,10474103,电子型高温超导体电子配对对称性研究,2005/01-2007/12, 25万元,已结题,主持
