Aug. 2005 - Jun. 2009, School of Physical Science and Technology, Wuhan University, bachelor of physics
Sep. 2009 - Jun. 2015, School of Physical Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Doctor of physics
Aug. 2015 - Jul. 2018, Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Post Doctor
Mar. 2017 - Sep. 2017, Penn State University (State College, Pennsylvania, USA), Visiting scholar 
						Condensed matter physics, Strongly correlated lattice models
1) Ground/low-excited state physics of quasi-1D system 
2) Nonequilibrium physics, Eigenstate thermalization hypothesis, Many-body localization
3) Strongly-correlated algorithms and code (See
4) Investigating tranditional strongly-correlated problems using quantum computing ways
5) Correlations in Hilbert space and phase transtion
						Master students:
2019:Yong-Feng Yang(杨永峰),Mi-Ji Liang(梁米吉)
2021:Zhao-Rui Tian(田钊瑞)
1] Chen Cheng, Many-body Localization in Clean Chains with Long-Range Interactions, Physical Review B 108, 155113 (2023).
2] Wen-Yu Su,1, ∗ Feng Hu,2, ∗ Chen Cheng,1, † and Nvsen Ma2, ‡ Investigating Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transitions in Kagome spin ice by quantifying Monte Carlo process: Distribution of Hamming distances, Physical Review B 108, 134422 (2023).
3] Mi-Ji Liang,1,∗ Yong-Feng Yang,1,∗ Chen Cheng,1,† and Rubem Mondaini2,‡ Disorder in interacting quasi-one-dimensional systems: flat and dispersive bands, Phys. Rev. B 108, 035131 (2023).
4] Y. Yao. et al., Observation of many-body Fock space dynamics in two dimensions, Nature Physic 19 1459 (2023).

1] Yong-Feng Yang, Jing Chen, Chen Cheng,* and Hong-Gang Luo,† "Enhanced superconductivity and various edge modes in modulated t-J chains", Phys. Rev. B 105, 165123 (2022).
2] Lei Gao, Chen Cheng, Wen-Bin He, Rubem Mondaini, Xi-Wen Guan, and Hai-Qing Lin, "Scaling of energy and power in a large quantum battery-charger model”, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043150 (2022).

1] Yucheng Wang, Chen Cheng, Xiong-Jun Liu, and Dapeng Yu, "Many-Body Critical Phase: Extended and Nonthermal", Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 080602 (2021).
2] Qiujiang Guo, Chen Cheng, Hekang Li, Shibo Xu, Pengfei Zhang, Zhen Wang, Chao Song, Wuxin Liu, Wenhui Ren, Hang Dong, Rubem Mondaini, and H. Wang. "Stark Many-Body Localization on a Superconducting Quantum Processor", Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 240502 (2021).
3] Fu-Zhou Chen, Chen Cheng, Hong-Gang Luo,†  "Real-space parallel density matrix renormalization group with adaptive boundaries", Chin. Phys. B 30, 8-080202 (2021).

1] Wing Chi Yu*, Chen Cheng, and P. D. Sacramento†, "Energy bonds as correlators for long-range symmetry-protected topological models and models with long-range topological order", Physical Review B 101, 245131 (2020).
2] Fu-Zhou Chen(陈富州), Chen Cheng(程晨), and Hong-Gang Luo(罗洪刚), "Improved hybrid parallel strategy for density matrix renormalization group method", Chin. Phys. B Vol. 29, No. 7 070202 (2020).
3] Qiujiang Guo#, Chen Cheng#, Zheng-Hang Sun#, Zixuan Song, Hekang Li, Zhen Wang, Wenhui Ren, Hang Dong, Dongning Zheng, Yu-Ran Zhang, Rubem Mondaini, Heng Fan & H. Wang, "Observation of energy-resolved many-body localization", Nature Physics, 17, 234–239 (2021).

1] Xingbo Wei, Chen Cheng*, Gao Xianlong, and Rubem Mondaini2†, "Investigating many-body mobility edges in isolated quantum systems", Physical Review B 99, 165137 (2019).
2] Fu-Zhou Chen, Chen Cheng, Hong-Gang Luo, "Hybrid parallel optimization of density matrix renormalization group method", Acta Physica Sinica, 68, 120202 (2019).
3] Yangsen Ye, et al., "Propagation and Localization of Collective Excitations on a 24-Qubit Superconducting Processor", Physical Review Letters 123, 050502 (2019)

Before 2019:
1] Chen Cheng, Rubem Mondaini, Marcos Rigol, "Singlet pairing and superconductivity in 𝑡-𝐽 ladders with Mott insulating stripes", Physical Review B 98, 121112(R) (2018).
2] Jian Li, Chen Cheng†, Thereza Paiva, Hai-Qing Lin, and Rubem Mondaini∗, "Giant Magnetoresistance in Hubbard Chains", Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 020403 (2018).
3] Bin-Bin Mao, Chen Cheng, Fu-Zhou Chen, Hong-Gang Luo, "Magnetization jump in one dimensional 𝐽 −𝑄2 model with anisotropic exchange", Scientific Reports 7, 18104 (2017).
4] Chen Cheng, Rubem Mondaini, "Many-body delocalization with random vector potentials", Phys. Rev. A 94, 053610 (2016).
5] Bin-Bin Mao, Chen Cheng, Fu-Zhou Chen, Hong-Gang Luo, "Phase separation induced by density-spin interaction in one-dimensional extended t-J model", Acta Physica Sinica, 64, 187105 (2015).
6] Chen Cheng, Bin-Bin Mao, Fu-Zhou Chen, Hong-Gang Luo, "Phase separation in one-dimensional hardcore boson system with two- and three-body interactions", Eur. Phys. J. B 88, 152 (2015).
7] Chen Cheng, Bin-Bin Mao, Fu-Zhou Chen, Hong-Gang Luo, "Phase diagram of one-dimensional t−J model with long-range dipolar interactions", Euro. Phys. Lett. 110 37002 (2015).
8] Haiping Hu, Chen Cheng, Hong-Gang Luo, and Shu Chen, "Topological incommensurate magnetization plateaus in quasi-periodic quantum spin chains", Scientific Reports 5, 8433 (2015).
9] Haiping Hu, Chen Cheng, Zhihao Xu, Hong-Gang Luo, and Shu Chen, "Topological nature of magnetization plateaus in periodically modulated quantum spin chains", Phys. Rev. B 90, 035150 (2014).
						NSFC No. 11904145,外场诱导的条纹相对电子配对与超导态的影响,2020.01-2022.12.
NSFC No. 12174167,量子多体系统中多体局域化转变及有序非平衡稳态的研究吗,2022.01-2025.12.
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