
	                        12.2022  -                教授,兰州大学物理科学与技术学院

09.2017 - 08.2022  Academy Research Fellow,芬兰阿尔托大学 (Aalto University) 应用物理系

02.2016 - 08.2017  Research Fellow, 芬兰阿尔托大学应用物理系

04.2011 - 01.2016 博士后,芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学(University of Jyväskylä)纳米中心 

08.2009 - 12.2010 博士后,法国国家科学研究中心材料物理与化学研究所 (IPCMS, CNRS) 

09.2004 - 07.2009 中国科学院大学理论物理博士
导师: 苏刚教授, 博士论文: 磁性双异质隧道结中自旋相关输运问题的理论研究

09.2000 - 07.2004 南开大学物理学系物理学本科
	                        Selected Publications (35 in total)

1. Xiaomi Guo, Lingcan Fang, Yong Xu, Duanwen Hui, Patrick Rinke, Milica Todorović* and Xi Chen*, “Efficient Amino Acid Conformer Search with Bayesian Optimization”,
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18, 4574 (2022). 

2. Heikki Muhli, Xi Chen*, Albert P. Bartók, Patricia Hernández-León, Gábor Csányi, Tapio Ala-Nissila, and Miguel A. Caro*, “Machine learning force fields based on local parametrization of dispersion interactions: Application to the phase diagram of C60”, Physical Review B 104, 054106 (2021). 

3. Wen-Di Liu, Jia-Qi Wang, Shang-Fu Yuan, Xi Chen* and Quan-Ming Wang*, “Chiral Superatomic Nanoclusters Ag47 Induced by the Ligation of Amino Acids”.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60, 11430 (2021).

4. Yanan Wang, Esko Makkonen, Xi Chen* and Thomas Burgi*, “Absolute configuration retention of a conformationally labile ligand during dynamic processes of thiolate protected gold cluster”, Chemical Science 12, 9413 (2021). 

5. Lincan Fang, Esko Makkonen, Milica Todorović, Patrick Rinke* and Xi Chen*, “Efficient Amino Acid Conformer Search with Bayesian Optimization”,
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 17, 1955 (2021). 

6. Esko Makkonen, Tuomas Rossi*, Ask Hjorth Larsen, Olga Lopez-Acevedo, Patrick Rinke, Mikael Kuisma* and Xi Chen*, “ Real-time time-dependent density functional theory implementation of electronic circular dichroism applied to nanoscale metal-organic clusters”, Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 114102 (2021).

7. Xi Chen*, Mauro Boero and Olga Lopez-Acevedo, “Atomic structure and origin of chirality of DNA-stabilized silver clusters”, Physical Review Materials 4, 065601 (2020). 

8. Xi Chen*, Esko Makkonen, Dorothea Golze and Olga Lopez-Acevedo*, “Silver-Stabilized Guanine Duplex: Structural and Optical Properties”, 
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letter 9, 4789 (2018). 

9. Huayan Yang, Yu Wang, Xi Chen, Xiaojing Zhao, Liu Gu, Huaqi Huang, Juanzhu Yan, Chaofa Xu, Gang Li, Junchao Wu, Alison J. Edwards, Birger Dittrich, Zichao Tang, Dongdong Wang, Lauri Lehtovaara, Hannu Häkkinen and Nanfeng Zheng “Plasmonic twinned silver nanoparticles with molecular precision”, Nature Communication 7, 12809 (2016). 

10. Kirsi Salorinne, Sami Malola, O. Andrea Wong, Christopher D. Rithner, Xi Chen, Christopher J. Ackerson and Hannu Häkkinen*, “Conformation and dynamics of the ligand shell of a water-soluble Au102 nanoparticle”, Nature Communication 7, 10401 (2016).

11. Xi Chen and Hannu Häkkinen*, “Protected but Accessible: Oxygen Activation by a Calixarene-Stabilized Undecagold Cluster”,
Journal of American Chemical Society 135, 12944 (2013). 

12. Xi Chen, Mikkel Strange and Hannu Häkkinen*, “Nonmagnetic and magnetic thiolate- protected Au25 superatoms on Cu (111), Ag (111), and Au (111) surfaces”,
Physics Review B 85, 085422 (2012). 
13. Xi Chen and M. Alouani*, “Effect of metallic surfaces on the electronic structure, magnetism, and transport properties of Co-phthalocyanine molecules”, Physics Review B 82, 094443 (2010). 

14. Xi Chen, Qing-Rong Zheng and Gang Su*, “Spin transfer and critical current for magnetization reversal in the ferromagnet-ferromagnet-ferromagnet double-barrier tunnel junctions”, 
Physics Review B 78, 104410 (2008). 

15. Xi Chen, Qing-Rong Zheng, and Gang Su*, “Oscillations of tunnel magnetoresistance induced by spin-wave excitations in ferromagnet-ferromagnet-ferromagnet double-barrier tunnel junctions”, Physical Review B 76, 144409 (2007). 

	                        09.2017 - 08.2022
2017年当选为芬兰自然科学与技术领域当年22位的Academy Research Fellow(芬兰国家级青年人才项目),研究计划 “具 有生物传感和成像应用的荧光纳米银团簇的计算研究” 得到芬兰科学院和阿尔托大学961657 欧元资助, 资助期限 5 年。

02.2021 - 02.2023
与西安交通大学王大威教授主持的中芬交流合作项目 “机器学习方法用于功能材料结构搜索 和相关方法开发” 得到中国国家基金委和芬兰科学院的资助。其中芬兰科学院资助 11000 欧 元。