
1992年兰州大学材料科学系获学士学位; 1995年兰州大学物理系凝聚态物理专业获硕士学位; 1998年复旦大学物理系光学专业毕业获博士学位; 1998年7月至1999年3月,日本电气通信大学电子工程系任研究助理; 1999年4月至2001年3月,日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助外国人特别研究员(博士后); 2001年4月至2002年1月,复旦大学物理系高级访问学者; 2002年3月至今兰州大学物理科学与技术学院副教授。
1. 团簇和纳米结构的理论计算与模拟(电子结构、光学性质、磁性半导体、低维光电器件) 2. 光子晶体理论与计算
部分论文: 1. Photonic bands in two-dimensional metallo-dielectric photonic crystals composed of metal coated cylinders, Journal of Applied Physics, 106(3), 033101, 2009. 2. Nonlinear optical properties of Au_(n-m)M_m (M=Ag, Cu; m=1, 2) clusters, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 893(1-3), 88-92, 2009. 3. Size dependence of structural and electronic properties of MgO nanotubes, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 109(2), 349-356, 2009. 4. Study on the electronic properties of MgO nanotube cluster by density function theory, Acta Physica Sinica, 58(3), 1603-1607, 2009 (in Chinese). 5. A simple theoretical model for ring and nanotube radial breathing mode, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 24(9), 1579-1583, 2008. 6. DFT calculations of vibrational spectra and nonlinear optical properties for MgO nanotube clusters, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 863(1-3), 55-59, 2008. 7. Temperature dependent complex photonic band structures in two-dimensional photonic crystals composed of high-temperature superconductors, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20(27), 75203, 2008. 8. Effect of Polar Groups on Raman Spectrum of One Dimension SiO2 Nanowires, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 851(1-3), 35-39, 2008. 9. Magic numbers in silicon dioxide-based clusters,Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 104(42), 9518-9524, 2000. 10. The generation mechanism of silicon oxide-aluminum oxide compound clusters by laser ablation of siliceous materials, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 39 (1-2), 351-358, 2000. 11. 266 nm pulsed laser-induced oxygen atoms desorbed from 873K high temperature high vacuum pretreated rutile TiO2, Surface Science, 467(1-3), 191-200, 2000. 12. Laser ablation time-of-flight mass spectrometric probing of the surface states of SiO2-based porous materials, Applied Physics A, 66(1), 99-102, 1998. 13. Laser-induced clustering dynamics of [(SiO2)_nX]- from porous silica powders, Chemical Physics Letters, 281(4-6), 426, 1997. 14. Near infrared and visible photoluminescence from argon plasma polymerized fullerene film, Applied Physics Letters, 70(20), 2641-2643, 1997. 15. Optical characteristics of PVK/C60 films fabricated by physical jet deposition, Chemical Physics Letters, 257(1-3), 563-568, 1996.