
	                        从事量子物理的理论研究, 目前关注与量子耗散系统动力学相关的量子力学以及量子热力学基础问题。


1. Wei Wu and Jun-Hong An*, Generalized Quantum Fluctuation Theorem for Energy Exchange, Physical Review Letters 133, 050401 (2024).

2. Ze-Zhou Zhang, Qing-Shou Tan, and Wei Wu*, Statistics of quantum heat in the Caldeira-Leggett model, Physical Review E 109, 064134 (2024).

3. Qing-Shou Tan*, Xulin Liu, Lan Xu*, Wei Wu, and Le-Man Kuang*, Enhancement of sensitivity in low-temperature quantum thermometry via reinforcement learning, Physical Review A 109, 042417 (2024).


1. Ze-Zhou Zhang, Qing-Shou Tan, and Wei Wu*, Heat distribution in quantum Brownian motion, Physical Review E 108, 014138 (2023).

2. Lan Xu, Ji-Bing Yuan, Shi-Qing Tang, Wei Wu, Qing-Shou Tan*, and Le-Man Kuang, Non-Markovian enhanced temperature sensing in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate, Physical Review A 108, 022608 (2023).

3. Wei Wu, and Jun-Hong An*, Quantum speed limit from a quantum-state-diffusion method, Physical Review A 108, 012204 (2023).


1. Wei Wu, and Jun-Hong An*, Quantum speed limit of a noisy continuous-variable system, Physical Review A 106, 062438 (2022).

2. Ze-Zhou Zhang, and Wei Wu*, Work statistics and thermal phase transitions, Physical Review E 106, 034104 (2022).

3. Qing-Shou Tan*, Wei Wu, Lan Xu, Jing Liu, and Le-Man Kuang*, Quantum sensing of supersensitivity for the Ohmic quantum reservoir, Physical Review A 106, 032602 (2022).

4. Ze-Zhou Zhang, and Wei Wu*, Effects of counter-rotating-wave terms on the noisy frequency estimation, Physical Review A 105, 043706 (2022).

5. Yi-Da Sha, and Wei Wu*, Continuous-variable quantum sensing of a dissipative reservoir, Physical Review Research 4, 023169 (2022).

6. Ning Zhang, Chong Chen*, Si-Yuan Bai, Wei Wu, and Jun-Hong An*, Non-Markovian Quantum Thermometry, Physical Review Applied 17, 034073 (2022).


1. Wei Wu, and Jun-Hong An*, Gaussian quantum metrology in a dissipative environment, Physical Review A 104, 042609 (2021).

2. Ze-Zhou Zhang, and Wei Wu*, Non-Markovian temperature sensing, Physical Review Research 3, 043039 (2021).

3. Wei Wu*, and Chuan Shi, Criticality-enhanced quantum sensor at finite temperature, Physical Review A 104, 022612 (2021).

4. Wei Wu, Zhen Peng, Si-Yuan Bai, and Jun-Hong An*, Threshold for a Discrete-Variable Sensor of Quantum Reservoirs, Physical Review Applied 15, 054042 (2021).

5. Wei Wu, Si-Yuan Bai, and Jun-Hong An*, Non-Markovian sensing of a quantum reservoir, Physical Review A 103, L010601 (2021).


1. Wei Wu*, and Chuan Shi, Quantum parameter estimation in a dissipative environment, Physical Review A 102, 032607 (2020).


1. Bin-Bin Mao, Liangsheng Li, Yimin Wang, Wen-Long You, Wei Wu, Maoxin Liu*, and Hong-Gang Luo*, Variational generalized rotating-wave approximation in the two-qubit quantum Rabi model, Physical Review A 99, 033834 (2019).

2. Wei Wu*, Stochastic decoupling approach to the spin-boson dynamics: Perturbative and nonperturbative treatments, Physical Review A 98, 032116 (2018).

3. Wei Wu*, Realization of hierarchical equations of motion from stochastic perspectives, Physical Review A 98, 012110 (2018).

4. Wei Wu*, and Maoxin Liu, Effects of counter-rotating-wave terms on the non-Markovianity in quantum open systems, Physical Review A 96, 032125 (2017).

5. Wei Wu*, and Hai-Qing Lin, Quantum Zeno and anti-Zeno effects in quantum dissipative systems, Physical Review A 95, 042132 (2017).

6. Guo-Qing Zhang, Wei Wu, and Jing-Bo Xu*, Multipartite entanglement from matrix-product states and a quantum phase transition, Physical Review A 96, 032302 (2017).

7. Wei Wu*, and Hai-Qing Lin, Effect of bath temperature on the decoherence of quantum dissipative systems, Physical Review A 94, 062116 (2016).

	                        1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,量子计量的非马尔科夫退相干效应及其动力学调控,Grant No. 12375015,资助金额:52万元。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,量子开放系统动力学的数值研究,Grant No. 11704025 ,资助金额:25万元。

3. 中国博士后科学基金第11批特别资助,自旋环境中退相干行为的数值研究,Grant No. 2018T110038,资助金额:15万元。

4. 中国博士后科学基金第61批面上资助,量子耗散系统动力学的研究,Grant No. 2017M610753,资助金额:5万元。