
1993年6月毕业于兰州大学物理系  半导体物理与器件专业  学士学位
2004年6月毕业于兰州大学物理科学与技术学院  微电子学与固体电子学专业  硕士、博士学位

	                        蒲年年,李海蓉* 谢龙珍, NiOx作为空穴传输层对有机太阳能电池光吸收的影响, 物理学报,2014, 63(6): 067201-1~067201-7,2014.3.
Chaoxin Yuan, Hairong Li,* Longzhen Xie, Fang Wang, Heng Deng,Fangzhi Chang and Yongzhe Sun,Flower-like NiO nanostructures synthesized by electrodeposition method for efficient detection of toluene gas,RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 92128–92133
Kun Qian , Hairong Li*, Bo Zheng,  Fangzhi Changa, Qi Lei , Genliang Han ,Yuzhe Song, Su Liu, Yongzhi Wei ,Modulation effect of carbon quantum dots in organic electroluminescent devices,Organic Electronics 51 (2017) 314-321
Hairong Li, Siyuan Li, A noval Method for measuring the carrier lifetime and capture-cross section by using the negative resistance I-V characteristics of the Barrier-Type Thyristor (BTH), Journal of Semiconductors,Vol.31, No.8, 2010.8
Hairong Li, Siyuan Li, Physical Effect on Transition from Blocking To Conducting State of Barrier-Type Thyristor ,Journal of Semiconductors,Vol. 31, No. 12, 2010,12
Li, Hairong; Li, Siyuan Li, Physical Features of the Barrier-Controlled Blocking Function of the Static Induction Thyristor, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,2011,Volume: 58  No.4,Page(s): 1149 - 1157
Dandan Huanga, Hairong Li, Yongchang Wang, Xudong Wang , Lina Cai, Wenhao Fan ,Yawen Chen , Wenjie Wang, Yuzhe Song, Genliang Han, Bo Zheng, Guohan Liu,Assembling a high-performance acetone sensor based on MOFs-derived porous bi-phase α-/γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles combined with Ti3C2Tx nanosheets, 2021,Chemical Engineering Journal