姓名:Morgan Le Delliou

(1) 1996.9–2001.6, 皇后大学, 理论物理, 博士, 导师: Richard N. Henriksen
(2) 1994.9–1995.6, Université d’Orsay-Paris Sud - E.N.S., Laboratoire de Physique, Theoretical Physics, Master, 导师: Marc Lachièze-Rey
(3) 1992.9–1995.6, 巴黎第十一大学, 理论物理, 硕士, 导师: Marc Lachièze-Rey
(4) 1993.9–1994.6, Imperial College, London (ERASMUS exchange program),
Physics,Mathematics, Imperial College International Diploma
(5) 1992.9–1994.6, Université d’Orsay-Paris Sud (Paris XI), Fundamental
Physics, Bachelor

(1) 2017.9-至今, 兰州大学, 物理学院, 副教授
(2) 2013.9-2017.8, 圣保罗州立大学, 理论物理研究所, 博士后研究员
(3) 2012.5-2013.8, 圣保罗大学, 物理院数学物理系, 访问研究员
(4) 2011.5-2012.4, 里斯本大学, 天文学与天体物理中心, 访问学者
(5) 2008.5-2011.4, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, I.F.T., Theoretical
Physics Institute, PostDoctoral Fellow
(6) 2005.4-2008.3, Universidade de Lisboa, C.F.T.C.,Theoretical and
Computational Physics Ins, PostDoctoral Fellow
(7) 2004.10-2004.12, University of Durham, Institute of Computational
Cosmology, Royal Society International Invited Research Fellow

	                        (1) Le Delliou, Morgan ; Mimoso, Jose P.; Mena, Filipe C.; Fontanini,
Michele; Guariento, Daniel C.; Abdalla, Elcio, Separating expansion and
collapse in general fluid models with heat flux , Physical Review D, 2013.7.29
, 027301(2) (期刊论文)
(2) Bertolami, Orfeu ; Pedro, Francisco Gil; Le Delliou, Morgan,Testing
the interaction of dark energy to dark matter through the analysis of virial
relaxation of clusters Abell clusters A586 and A1689 using realistic density
profiles , General Relativity and Gravitation, 2012.4, 44(4): 1073~1088
(3) Le Delliou, Morgan ; Mena, Filipe C.; Mimoso, Jose P.,Role of shell
crossing on the existence and stability of trapped matter shells in spherical
inhomogeneous Lambda-CDM models , Physical Review D, 2011.5.27, 103528 (
(4) Mimoso, Jose P. ; ; Mena, Filipe C.,Le Delliou, Morgan Separating
expansion from contraction in spherically symmetric models with a perfect
fluid: Generalization of the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff condition and
application to models with a cosmological constant , Physical Review D, 2010.6
.14, 123514 (期刊论文)
(5) Bertolami, Orfeu ; Pedro, Francisco Gil; ,Le Delliou, Morgan,
The Abell cluster A586 and the detection of violation of the equivalence principle
, General Relativity and Gravitation, 2009.12, 41(12): 2839~2846 (期刊论文)
(6) Bertolami, O. ; Pedro, F. Gil; Le Delliou, Morgan. Dark energy-dark
matter interaction and putative violation of the equivalence principle from the
Abell cluster A586 , Physics Letters B, 2007.10.18, 654(5-6): 165~169 (
(7) Le Delliou, Morgan,Dynamical quintessence fields' Press-Schechter
mass function: detectability and effect on dark haloes , Journal of Cosmology
and Astroparticle Physics, 2006.1, (1) (期刊论文)
(8) Le Delliou, Morgan ; Lacey, CG; Baugh, CM; Morris, SL,The
properties of Ly alpha emitting galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation
models , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006.1.21, 365(3):
712~726 (期刊论文)
(9) Le Delliou, Morgan ; Lacey, C; Baugh, CM; Guiderdoni, B; Bacon, R.
Courtois, H; Sousbie, T; Morris, SL, The abundance of Ly alpha emitters in
hierarchical models , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2005.
2.11, 357(1): L11~L15 (期刊论文)
(10) Le Delliou, Morgan ; Henriksen, RN,Non-radial motion and the NFW
profile , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2003.9, 408(1): 27~38 (期刊论文)