
January   2019                Research Scholar, University of Houston, USA
December 2011              Ph.D., SUN YAT-SEN University, China
                                       State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, School of Physics and Engineering
                                       Major:  Optical Engineering
                                       Dissertation: “Optoelectronic Properties of Metal Oxide and Silver-doped Nanostructures”
June 2006                       M.A., Lanzhou University, China
                                       School of Physical Science and Technology
                                       Dissertation: “Research and Fabrication of Organic Thin-film Transistor Based on Anthracene”
June 2003                       B.Sc., Lanzhou University, China
                                       School of Physical Science and Technology

	                        1. Nanoscale photonics and electrionics, 
    The interaction of exciton-plasmon in nanostructures, 
    Surface plasmons in Ag triangular nanoplate,
    Optical properties of the micro-cavity in nanowire.
2. Data classification and conversion based on FPGA, processing of visual data based on FPGA, Processing of 3D image based on FPGA.
3. Flexible/stretchable/wearable mechanical and optoelectronic devices based on silicon and flexible materials.
4. Binarized neural network and target recognition based on Yolo v3 algorithm on FPGA. 
5. The amplifier of the bio-signal based on CMOS analog circuit design.
1. 主讲研究生微电子学与固体电子学专业限选课: 《数字集成电路设计II》
2. 主讲本科近代物理实验绪论和《塞曼效应》、《拉曼光谱》
3. 主讲本科《模拟电路实验》
	                        1.	Jitong Xin,Meiyi Cha, Luojia Shi, Chunyu Long, Hairong Li, Fangcong Wang, Peng Wang*, “Lightweight convolutional neural network of YOLO v3-Tiny algorithm on FPGA for target detection”, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Electronic Engineering (CSAIEE).
2.“Binarized Neural Network Based On FPGA To Realize Handwritten Digit Recognition”,Peng Wang, Jiayu Song, Yinquan Peng, Guipeng Liu,2020 IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.
3.“Ultra-Conformal Drawn-on-Skin Electronics for Multifunctional Motion Artifact-Free Sensing and Point-of-Care Treatment”,Nature Communications, 11, 3823, 2020.
4.“Air/water interfacial assembled rubbery semiconduction nanofilm for fully rubbery integrated electronics”, Science Advances, Vol. 6, no. 38, eabb3656, 2020.
5. “Activating a hematite nanorod photoanode via fluorine-doping and surface fluorination for enhanced oxygen evolution reaction”, Chenglong Wang, Shenqi Wei, Feng Li, Xuefeng Long, Tong Wang, Peng Wang, Shuwen Li, Jiantai Ma, and Jun Jin, , Nanoscale, 12, 3259, 2020.
6. "Vertically Stacked Au/PbS/CsPbCl 3 Phototransistors for Plasmon-Enhanced High-Performance Broadband Photodetection", Kai Li, Xinhong Zhao,* Yongchu Fang, Yu Tao, Xiaoxian Song, Haiting Zhang, Huaqing Yu*, and Peng Wang*, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater.  2, 4080−4086, 2020.
7. Peng Wang, Guipeng Liu, Xinhong Zhao, Hairong Li, Lingshan Li, “Observed Fabry–Perot type resonant modes of exciton luminescence in Cu2O nanowires”, J. Phys. Commun. 3, 085006, 2019.
8. Peng Wang, Xinhong Zhao, Hairong Li, Lingshan Li, Jing Li, Guofu Ma, and Jingxian Chang, “Temperature sensitive optical properties of exciton and room-temperature visible light emission from disordered Cu2O Nanowires”, RSC Advances,Vol. 4, pp. 37542-37546, 2014. 
9. Peng Wang, Xinhong Zhao, Baojun Li, “Plasmon-enhanced yellow light emission in hybrid nanostructures formed by fluorescent molecules and polymer”, Nano Energy, Vol. 1, pp. 152-158, 2012. 
10. Peng Wang, Xinhong Zhao, Baojun Li, “ZnO-coated CuO nanowire arrays: fabrications, optoelectronic properties, and photovoltaic applications”, Optics Express, Vol. 19, pp. 11271-11279, 2011. 
11. Heng Deng, Hai-rong Li, Fang Wang, Chao-xin Yuan, Su Liu, Peng Wang, Long-zhen Xie, Yong-zhe Sun, Fang-zhi Chang, “A high sensitive and low detection limit of formaldehyde gas sensor based on hierarchical flower-like CuO nanostructure fabricated by sol–gel method”, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, Vol.27, pp.6766-6772,2016.
12. Guofu Ma, Su Liu, Peng Wang, Jingxian Chang, Miao Zhang, Hairong Li, “Synthesis of pod-like Cu2O nanowire arrays on Cu substrate”, Materials Letters, Vol. 120, pp.212-215, 2014. 
13. Xinhong Zhao, Peng Wang , Zaoxue Yan , Naifei Ren, “Ag nanoparticles decorated CuO nanowire arrays for efficient plasmon enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting”, Chemical Physics 
    Letters, Vol. 609, pp. 59-64, 2014
14. Xinhong Zhao, Peng Wang, Yongfeng Gao, Xiaofang Xu, Zaoxue Yan, Naifei Ren, “CuO/ZnO core/shell nanowire arrays and their photovoltaics application”, Materials Letters, Vol. 132, pp.409-412, 
15. Xinhong Zhao, Peng Wang and Baojun Li, “CuO/ZnO core/shell heterostructure nanowire arrays: synthesis, optical property, and energy application”, Chemical Communations, Vol. 46, pp.6768-6770, 2010.
16. Xinhong Zhao, Peng Wang and Baojun Li, “Surface plasmon enhanced energy 
      transfer in metal–semiconductor hybrid Nanostructures”, Nanoscale, Vol. 3, pp. 
      3056-3059, 2011.

	                        1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目( 2013.01—2015.12, 主持,No. 61204106)
2. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目( 2016.01-2018.12 ,参与,No.U1531114)  
3. 兰州大学教学研究项目 (2016. 04—2017.10)
4. 中国教育部产学研创新基金”基于 FPGA的 边缘检测算法矫正梯形畸变”(2021.06-2022.05    2020HYA04004 ,  主持)
	                        1. 2017年第七届全国大学生集成电路设计•应用创新大赛国家二等奖
2. 2017年第七届全国大学生集成电路设计•应用创新大赛 优秀指导教师
3. 2013年第十一届全国大学生电子设计大赛甘肃赛区特等奖
4. 2015年第十二届全国大学生电子设计大赛甘肃赛区二等奖
5. 2015年第十二届全国大学生电子设计大赛甘肃赛区优胜奖
6. 2019年第三届全国大学生集成电路创新创业大赛西北赛区三等奖
7. 2020年甘肃省科技进步奖三等奖(第二完成人)
8. 2021年  第五届全国大学生集成电路创新创业大赛  海云捷迅杯国家二等奖
9. 2021年  第五届全国大学生集成电路创新创业大赛  西北赛区一等奖
10. 2021年  第五届全国大学生集成电路创新创业大赛  西北赛区优秀奖
11. 2021年  第五届全国大学生集成电路创新创业大赛  优秀指导教师
12. 2020年  第五届中国创新挑战赛(四川•南充)      优秀奖

1. 一种基于FPGA的两通道数据分类同步输出电路(王鹏,张韩瑞,洪伟达,授权号:CN201820418826)
2. 一种CuO纳米线的制作方法(李宝军,王鹏,赵新宏,授权号:CN102051675A)
3. 一种穿线法车牌数字识别算法及设备 (王鹏,宋家毓,彭应全,实质审查)
4. 一种CuO/ZnO core/shell结构纳米线的制作方法 (李宝军,赵新宏,王鹏,授权号:CN102104077B)
5. 王鹏; 宋家毓; 彭应全,“一种穿线法车牌数字识别算法及设备”(ALGORITHM AND DEVICE FOR LICENSE PLATE NUMBER RECOGNITION BASED ON LINE DRAWING),(澳大利亚发明专利,授权,专利号:2020102152)。
6. 宋家毓,王鹏,彭应全,“一种基于FPGA的二值化加速计算电路”(实用新型,授权,专利号:202021520637.0)。
7. 王鹏, “基于YOLOV3-tiny的共虚轴三维相机的实时测距方法(Real-Time Ranging Method Of Common-Virtual-Axis Three Dimensional Camera Based On YOLO v3-TINY)”, 申请号:17/650,603, 美国专利, 2021。
8. 一种基于单目摄像头的人体入侵行为预警系统 ,申请号:202111098932.0。
9.	一种基于单目视觉的铁道路口火车识别预警系统,申请号:202111098925.0。
10.	一种基于目标识别神经网络的单目测距方法,申请号:202111103021.2。
11.   基于YOLOV3-tiny的共虚轴三维相机的实时测距方法,申请号:202111174541.2。