
	                                郭党委,男,理学博士,高级工程师,硕士研究生导师。主要研究方向为软磁材料的制备和磁性研究;实验室主要负责微纳米图形加工的工艺研究,和相关仪器的操作与维护。2012年至2013年间在葡萄牙微系统与纳米技术研究所(INESC-MN)做博士后,具体工作为磁性隧道结(MTJs)的制备、微纳米加工及其隧道磁电阻(TMR)和频率噪音(Signal-Noise)特性的研究。主持国家自然科学基金委项目1项, 中央高校基本科研业务费项目1项,磁学与磁性材料教育部重点实验室开放课题2项;参与国家自然科学基金委项目6项和横向课题1项。目前共发表SCI学术论文33篇,实验仪器和教学相关论文14篇。
	                        [1] D. W. Guo*, W. W. Kong, J. J. Feng, X. L. Li, and X. L .Fan, Synthesis, electromagnetic and microwave absorption properties of Ba3Co2Fe24O41 hexaferrites for GHz application, Materials Science & Engineering B 228, 213-217 (2018).
[2] D. W. Guo, W. W. Kong*, J. J. Feng, X. L. Li, and X. L .Fan, Microwave absorption properties of SrxBa3-xCo2Fe24O41 hexaferrites in the range of 0.1-18 GHz, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 751, 80-85 (2018).
[3] D. W. Guo* and J. J. Feng, High-frequency properties of [Co90Nb10/Ni0.45Zn0.55Fe2O4(t)]6 multilayer films for application in GHz range, Surfaces and Interfaces 9, 9-12 (2017).
[4] D. W. Guo*, C. J. Jiang, X. L. Fan, and D. S. Xue, Thermal annealing effect on structural and magnetic properties of ZnFe2O4 thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering, Appl. Surf. Sci. 307, 576-578 (2014).
[5] D. W. Guo*, F. A. Cardoso, R. Ferreira, E. Paz. S. Cardoso, and P. P. Freitas, MgO-based magnetic tunnel junction sensors array for non-destructive testing applications, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17E513 (2014).
[6] D. W. Guo*, C. J. Jiang, X. L. Fan, H. G. Shi, and D. S. Xue, Post-deposition heat-treated NixZn1-xFe2O4 films exhibiting higher resonance frequency, Appl. Surf. Sci. 258, 4237-4239 (2012).
[7] D. W. Guo*, Y. C. Yang, J. Y. Zhu, C. J. Jiang, X. L. Fan, and D. S. Xue, soft magnetic and high-frequency properties of Ni-Zn ferrite film with FeMn underlayer, Thin Solid Films 520, 5977-5980 (2012).
[8] D. W. Guo, J. Y. Zhu, Y. C. Yang, X. L. Fan, G. Z. Chai, W. B. Sui, Z. M. Zhang, and D. S. Xue, High-frequency magnetic properties of Zn ferrite films deposited by magnetron sputtering, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 043903 (2010).
[9] D. W. Guo, X. L. Fan, G. Z. Chai, C. J. Jiang, X. L. Li, D. S. Xue, Structural and magnetic properties of NiZn ferrite films with high saturation magnetization deposited by magnetron sputtering, Appl. Surf. Sci. 256, 2319-2322 (2010).
[10] D. W. Guo, Z. M. Zhang, M. Lin, X. L. Fan, G. Z. Chai, Y. Xu, and D. S. Xue, Ni-Zn ferrite films with high resonance frequency in the gigahertz range deposited by magnetron sputtering at room temperature, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 125006 (2009).