
	                        贾成龙,兰州大学物理科学与技术学院教授(博士生导师)。2004年于兰州大学获得粒子物理与核物理博士学位,随后在多个世界知名研究机构和实验室(韩国成均馆大学、韩国高等研究院、德国马丁路德大学、日本理化所、英国伦敦大学玛丽王后学院)访问研究, 2010年6月受聘为兰州大学萃英计划引进教授,2015年入选英国皇家工程学院“杰出访问学者”,2016年受聘“DFG-Mercator” 客座教授参与德国重大研究计划。主要从事关联电子系统和量子磁性方向的理论研究工作,在Nature Communications、Phys. Rev. Lett.和中国科学等重要期刊发表SCI论文130余篇,多篇论文入选封面文章和编辑推荐亮点工作。研究先后获得科技部,教育部和国家自然科学基金委面上、重点和重大项目的资助支持。

1) 关联电子系统


	                        [1]	Dongxing Yu; Yonglong Ga; Jinghua Liang; Chenglong Jia*; Hongxing Yang*, Voltage-controlled Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction torque switching of perpendicular magnetization, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130,056701 (2023);
[2]	Zimeng Hu, Vladimir Koval, Yajun Yue, Man Zhang, Chenglong Jia* , Isaac Abrahams* , Haixue Yan*,Structural evolution and coexistence of ferroelectricity and antiferromagnetism in Fe, Nb co-doped BaTiO3 ceramics. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 43, 2460-2468 (2023);
[3]	Yan Wang, Xuan Wang, and Chenglong Jia*, Phase Detection of Electron Vortex Beams on Structured Charge Distribution, Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 012403 (2023). 
[4]	Man Zhang; Vladimir Koval; Yu Shi; Yajun Yue; Chenglong Jia*; Jiagang Wu; Giuseppe Viola; Haixue Yan, Magnetoelectric coupling at microwave frequencies observed in bismuth ferrite-based multiferroics at room temperature. J Mater Sci Technol   137, 100-103 (2023);doi:10.1016/j.jmst.2022.07.040. 
[5]	Zimeng Hu; Gavin B. G. Stenning; Vladimir Koval; Jiyue Wu; Bin Yang*; Alisa Leavesley; Richard Wylde; Michael John Reece; Chenglong Jia*; Haixue Yan*, Terahertz Faraday Rotation of SrFe12O19 Hexaferrites Enhanced by Nb Doping. Acs Appl. Mater. Inter. 14, 46738–46747 (2022). 
[6]	Fufu Liu, Ying Jin, Yibing Zhao, Chenglong Jia*, Changjun Jiang*,Giant anomalous charge-spin conversion at Co/Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–Pb0.7Ti0.3O3 interfaces,Appl Phys Lett 121, 022404 (2022). 
[7]	Tongli Wei; Xiansheng Cao; Decheng Ma; Yaojin Li; Chenglong Jia*, Microscopic kinetic theory of the mean collision force of a particle moving in rarefied gases. Phys Rev E 106, 034101 (2022). 
[8]	Shaohua Yuan; Chaowei Sui; Jiyong Kang; Chenglong Jia*, Electric readout of Bloch sphere spanned by twisted magnon modes. Appl Phys Lett (Featured Article) 120, 132402 (2022).
[9]	Chao-Wei Sui; Shao-Hua Yuan; Xi-Guang Wang; Jamal Berakdar*; Chenglong Jia*, Emergent magnonic singularities in anti-parity-time symmetric synthetic antiferromagnets. New J Phys 24, 023031 (2022).
[10]	Chenglong Jia*; Min Chen; A. F. Schäffer; J. Berakdar*, Chiral logic computing with twisted antiferromagnetic magnon modes. npj Comput. Mater. 7, 101 (2021).
[11]	Dongxing Yu; Chaowei Sui; D. Schulz; J. Berakdar, Chenglong Jia*, Nanoscale Near-Field Steering of Magnetic Vortices. Phys. Rev. Applied (编辑推荐) 16, 034032 (2021);
[12]	Niedzielski, B., Jia, C. & Berakdar, J. Supercurrent Induced by Chiral Coupling in Multiferroic/Superconductor Nanostructures. Nanomaterials 11, 184 (2021). 
[13]	Wang, Y., Jia, C. & Zhang, P. Detection of magnetic impurities using electron vortex beams. Appl Phys Lett 118, 082405 (2021). 
[14]	Wang, Y., Jia, C. & Zhang, P. Breathing mode of relativistic twisted electron beams under periodic magnetic field. Jpn J Appl Phys 60, 016501 (2021). 
[15]	Song, W., Wang, X., Jia, C., Wang, X., Jiang, C., Xue, D. & Chai, G. Nonreciprocal emergence of hybridized magnons in magnetic thin films. Phys Rev B 104, 014402 (2021). 
[16]	Zhang, C., Jia, C., Shi, Y., Jiang, C., Xue, D., Ong, C. K. & Chai, G. Nonreciprocal multimode and indirect couplings in cavity magnonics. Phys Rev B 103, 184427 (2021). 
[17]	X.G. Wang, L. Chotorlishvili, A. Ernst, I. V. Dugaev, N. Arnold, Chenglong Jia, J. Berakdar, I. Mertig, and J. Barnas, The optical tweezer of skyrmions, NPJ Computational Materials 6, 140 (2020)
[18]	V.Koval, Y. Shi, I. Skorvanek, G. Viola, R. Bures, K. Saksl, P. Roupcova, M. Zhang, Chenglong Jia, and H. Yan, Cobalt-induced structureal modulation in multiferroic Aurivillius-phase oxides, J. Mater. Chem. C. 8, 8466 (2020)
[19]	Z. Li, V. Koval, A. Mahajan, Z. Gao, C. Vecchini, M. Stewart, M. C. Cain, K. Tao, Chenglong Jia*, G. Viola, and H.X. Yan*, Room-temperature multiferroic behavior in layer-structured Aurivillius phase veramics, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 052903 (2020)
[20]	Dongxing Yu, Jiyong Kang, Jamal Berakdar, and Chenglong Jia*, Nondestructive ultrafast steering of a magnetic vortex by terahertz pulses, NPG Asia Materials 12, 36 (Featured Article) (2020).
[21]	L. Chotorlishvili, Chenglong Jia, D.A. Rata, L. Brandt, G. Woltersdorf, and Jamal Berakdar, Magnonic Magnetoelectric Coupling in Ferroelectric/Ferromagnetic Composites, Phys. Status Solidi B , 257, 1900750 (Featured Article) (2020)
[22]	Min Chen, A.F. Schaffer, J. Berakdar, and Chenglong Jia*, Generation, electric detection, and orbital-angular momentum tunneling of twisted magnons, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 172403 (2020)
[23]	Dechen Ma, Vladimir Koval, and Chenglong Jia*, Dynamic phase fluctuations in potential-driven Bose-Einstein condensate, New J. Phys. 22, 013046 (2020)
[24]	Tongli Wei*, Yaojin Li, Jinxia Cheng and Chenglong Jia*, Finite-size effect of the thermal conductivity in one dimensional chain, New J. Phys. 21, 123003 (2019) 
[25]	Li Xi, Chenglong Jia, Desheng Xue*, Electric field controlled magnetic properties in ferroelectric/ferromagnet heterostructures, Chinese Science Bulletin, 64 3686 (2019)
[26]	Chenglong Jia*, Dechen Ma, A.F. Schaffer and Jamal Berakdar*, Twisting and tweezing the spin wave: on vortices, skyrmions, helical waves, and the magnonic spiral phase plate, J. Opt. 21, 124001 (2019).
[27]	Yaojin Li, Vladimir Koval and Chenglong Jia*, Dynamical anisotropic magnetoelectric effects at ferroelectric/ferromagnetic insulator interfaces, Chin. Phys. B 28, 097501 (2019)
[28]	Decheng Ma and Chenglong Jia*, Soliton oscillation driven by spin-orbit coupling in spinor condensates, Phys. Rev. A 100, 023629 (2019)
[29]	Xi-guang Wang, L. Chotorlishvili, Guang-hua Guo, Chenglong Jia, and Jamal Berakdar, Thermally assisted skyrmion drag in a nonuniform electric field, Phys. Rev. B 99, 064426 (2019)
[30]	Zheng Li*, Wenzhi Qi, Jun Cao, Yan Li*, Giuseppe Viola, Chenglong Jia, and Haixue Yan, Multiferroic properties of single phase Bi3NNbTiO9 based textured ceramics, J. Alloys. Compounds  788, 701 (2019)
[31]	Dongxing Yu, Shutian Luo, Yaojin Li, Vladimir Koval and Chenglong Jia*, Electrical tuning of skyrmion dynamics in multiferroic composite thin films, Phys. Rev. B 100, 104410 (2019)
[32]	Chenglong Jia*, Dechen Ma, A.F. Schaffer and Jamal Berakdar*, Twisted magnon beams carrying orbital angular momentum, Nature Comm. (Editors’Highlights)10, 2077 (2019).
[33]	Yalei Lu, Xing Guo, Vladimir Koval and Chenglong Jia*, Topological thermal Hall effect driven by spin-chirality fluctuations in frustrated antiferromagnets, Phys. Rev. B 99, 054409 (2019)
[34]	Tongli Wei, Yaojin Li, Decheng Ma and Chenglong Jia*, One dimensional Cherenkov processes in ferromagnetic insulator, J. Appl. Phys. 125, 023909 (2019)
[35]	Can Li , Yaojin Li, Dongxing Yu and Chenglong Jia*, Time-resolved quantum spin transport through an Aharonov-Casher ring, New J. Phys. 20, 093023 (2018)
[36]	Xing Guo , Yaojin Li and Chenglong Jia*, Vector-spin-chirality bound state driven by the inverse Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya mechanism, New J. Phys. 20, 053032 (2018)
[37]	Kun Tao, Yinye Yu, Wenxuan Zhang, Chenglong Jia, Desheng Xue, and V. S. Stepanyuk, Substrate-determined exchange interactions between an STM tip and an adatom, Phys. Rev. B 97, 224411 (2018)
[38]	Zheng Li, Kun Tao, Jing Ma, Zhipeng Gao, Vladimir Koval, Changjun Jiang, Giuseppe Viola, Hangfeng Zhang, Amit Mahajan, Jun Cao, Markys Cain, Isaac Abrahams, Cewen Nan, Chenglong Jia*, and Haixue Yan*, Bi3.25La0.75Ti2.5Nb0.25(Fe0.5Co0.5 )0.25O12, a single phase room temperature multiferroic, J. Mater. Chem. C (Hot Papers) 6, 2733 (2018).
[39]	Cai Zhou, Lvkang Shen, Ming Liu, Cunxu Gao, Chenglong Jia, Changjun Jiang, and Desheng Xue*, Long-range non-volatile electric field in single crystal Fe/PMN-PT heterostructurs, Adv. Func. Mater. 28, 1707027 (2018).
[40]	ChangJun Jiang, Chenglong Jia*, Fenglong Wang, Cai Zhou, and Desheng Xue*, Transformable ferroelectric control of dynamic magnetic permeability, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications), 97, 060408 (2018).
[41]	Cai Zhou, Lvkang Shen, Ming Liu, Cunxu Gao, Chenglong Jia, and Changjun Jiang*, Strong nonvolatile magnon-driven magnetoelectric coupling in single-crystal Co/PMN-PT heterostructures, Phys. Rev. Appl. 9, 014006 (2018).

	                        英国皇家工程学院杰出访问学者“Distinguished Visiting Fellowship” (2015)