2018年3月毕业于浙江大学物理学系, 凝聚态物理专业,获理学博士学位 (导师:唐孝威 院士)
2018年4月- 2020年3月,在浙江大学物理学系/定量生物中心,从事博士后研究工作
1. Feng M.#; Song Y.#; Chen S H.; Zhang Y; Zhou R.*,Molecular Mechanism of Secreted Amyloid-β Precursor Protein in Binding and Modulating GABABR1a. Chemical Science 2021
2. Feng, M.*; Bell, D. R.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, W., Length-dependent Structural Transformations of Huntingtin PolyQ Domain Upon Binding to 2D-nanomaterial. Frontiers in Chemistry 2020
3. Feng, M.; Bell, D. R.; Kang, H.; Shao, Q. ; Zhou, R.*, Exploration of HIV-1 Fusion peptide-Antibody VRC34.01 Binding Reveals Fundamental Neutralization sites. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019.
4. Luan, B.; Xu, G.; Feng, M.; Cong, L.; Zhou, R.*, Combined Computational-Experimental Approach to Explore Molecular Mechanism of SaCas9 with Broadened DNA Targeting Range. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019
5. Feng, M.; Bell, D. R.; Zhou, R.*, Propensity of a single-walled carbon nanotube-peptide to mimic a KK10 peptide in an HLA-TCR complex. The Journal of chemical physics 2017.
6. Feng, M.; Bell, D. R.; Luo, J.; Zhou, R.*, Impact of graphyne on structural and dynamical properties of calmodulin. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017.
7. Zhang, L.; Feng, M.; Zhou, R.*; Luan, B.*, Structural perturbations on huntingtin N17 domain during its folding on 2D-nanomaterials. Nanotechnology 2017
8. Feng, M.; Kang, H.; Yang, Z.; Luan, B.; Zhou, R.*, Potential disruption of protein-protein interactions by graphene oxide. The Journal of chemical physics 2016.
9. Feng, M.; Zhou, X.; Kou, J.; Wu, F.; Wang, C.; Lu, H.*, A transition between bistable ice when coupling electric field and nanoconfinement. Journal of Chemical Physics 2015.