
	                        张泽民,兰州大学-物理学院青年研究员,凝聚态物理和集成电路工程方向研究生导师,劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室海外研究员,中国仪器仪表学会会员,甘肃省高新技术特派专员、陇原青年创新人才。主要从事新型半导体薄膜的光电子性质及其应用研究,包括深紫外光电探测器、紫外-近红外宽光谱光电探测器、人工光合作用等。近年来,在本领域共发表SCI论文60余篇,包括Adv. Funct. Mater.,ACS Energy Letters, Nano Energy,Appl. Catalysis B,Small, Mater. Horizons等,担任Nano Materials Science等期刊青年编委。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、科技委项目、甘肃省自然科学基金、中科院及企业技术研发等项目9项,参与多项。授权发明专利6项,成果转化2项,多次受邀在国际会议上做学术报告。


1. 紫外、可见、近红外光电探测器(二维器件);
2. 人工光合作用:半导体光电化学分解水制氢、二氧化碳(CO2)还原、双氧水(H2O2)生成;

1. 高质量氧化物半导体、二维金属化合物薄膜的制备;
2. 新型光电探测器的制备和测试;
3. 半导体光电子性质:费米能级工程、能级轨道组成、载流子输运动力学;
4. 半导体/电解液-固液结光电化学性能;
5. 半导体光电化学分解水制氢、二氧化碳还原、双氧水等化学燃料;
6. 高通量材料物性研究:界面活性、表面极性;
7. 同步辐射结合DFT第一性原理计算;

1. 基于pc-AFM和KPFM的纳米级空间分辨的光电压、电流成像;
2. 稳态、瞬态光电压谱(SPV),瞬态光电流(TPC);
3. 瞬态吸收光谱(透射、反射模式)(TA);
4. 载流子空间收集率的计算光学模型;


1. Wang, Shenjiali, Guanjingyun Wang, Zemin Zhang, and Xiaozhan Yang. "based MoS2/Bi2S3 heterojunction photodetectors for broadband detection and fast response." Materials Research Bulletin (2023): 112606.
2. Li, Ronghua, Tsuyoshi Takata, Beibei Zhang, Chao Feng, Qianbao Wu, Chunhua Cui, Zemin Zhang, Kazunari Domen, and Yanbo Li. "Criteria for Efficient Photocatalytic Water Splitting Revealed by Studying Carrier Dynamics in a Model Al‐doped SrTiO3 Photocatalyst." Angewandte Chemie (2023): e202313537.
3. Luo, Lili, Rui Hao, Xiaoliang Hu, Yingtao Li, Erqing Xie, and Zemin Zhang*. "Ultraviolet–Visible Photodetector Driven by Local Electrostatic Field from Chargeable Electret." Advanced Optical Materials 11, no. 19 (2023): 2300543.
4.  Zhang, Zemin*, Xu Chen, Rui Hao, Qingliang Feng, and Erqing Xie. "Van Der Waals Heterojunction Modulated Charge Collection for H2O2 Production Photocathode." Advanced Functional Materials (2023): 2303391.
5. Yang, X., Zhou, X., Li, L., Wang, N., Hao, R., Zhou, Y., Xu, H., Li, Y., Zhu, G., Zhang, Z*. and Wang, J., 2023. Large‐Area Black Phosphorus/PtSe2 Schottky Junction for High Operating Temperature Broadband Photodetectors. Small, p.2206590.

1. Bing Tan#, Mengdi Sun #, Bo Liu, Xiao Jiang, Qingliang Feng, Erqing Xie, Pinxian Xi, Zemin Zhang*, Boosting Photocarrier Collection in Semiconductors by Synergizing Photothermoelectric and Photoelectric, 2022, Nano Energy, Accepted. 
2. Bing Tan, Abdul M. Reyes, Eduardo Menéndez-Proupin, Sebastian E. Reyes-Lillo, Yanbo Li, and Zemin Zhang, Full-Space Potential Gradient Driven Charge Migration inside BiFeO3 Photocathode, ACS Energy Letters, 2022, 7, 3492-3499.
3. Mengdi Sun, Wanhu Chen, Xiao Jiang, Bo Liu, Bing Tan, Lili Luo, Mingzheng Xie, Zemin Zhang, Optoelectrical Regulation of CuBi2O4 Photocathode via Photonic Crystal Structure for Solar–Fuel Conversion, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 43946-43954.
4. Zemin Zhang, Sarah A Lindley, Tao Chen, Xu Cheng, Erqing Xie, Weihua Han, Francesca M Toma, Jason K Cooper, Local Charge Transport at the Interface of Semiconductor and Charge Transport Mediator, Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 2201247.
5. Sun, Mengdi, Bo Liu, Weihua Han, Zemin Zhang*, and Mingzheng Xie*. "CuBi2O4 photocathode with integrated electric field for enhanced H2O2 production." Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 304 (2022): 120980 (IF: 19.5).
6. Bo Liu, Mengdi Sun, Bing Tan, Zemin Zhang, Weihua Han, Enhanced Photocarrier Collection in Bismuth Vanadate Photoanode through Modulating the Inner Potential Distribution, Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 2200046.
7. Jiang, Xiao, Xu Cheng, Zemin Zhang*, Tao Chen, Kun Tao, and Weihua Han. "Computation-assisted performance optimization for photoelectrochemical photoelectrodes." Applied Physics Letters 120, no. 6 (2022): 063901.
8. Zemin Zhang, Bing Tan, Wenjun Ma, Bo Liu, Mengdi Sun, Jason K Cooper, Weihua Han, BiFeO3 photocathodes for efficient H2O2 production via charge carrier dynamics engineering,Materials Horizons, 2022, 9, 1999-2006. 
9. Tan, Bing, Bo Liu, Mengdi Sun, Yingtao Li*, Zhen Cao*, and Zemin Zhang*. "Enhanced charge collection and surface activity of CuBi2O4 photocathode via crystal facet engineering." Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 9427-9434

(1) Wu, Zewei, Zemin Zhang*, Mengdi Sun, Bing Tan, Bo Liu, Weihua Han, Erqing Xie, and Yingtao Li. "Self‐Powered Photodetector Based on p‐Type CuBi2O4 with Fermi Level Engineering." Advanced Materials Interfaces 8, no. 24 (2021): 2101443.
(2) Zhang, Zemin*, Bo Liu, Felipe Quinteros, Xinping Zhai, Qiang Wang, Weihua Han, Erqing Xie, Sebastian E. Reyes-Lillo*, and Jason K. Cooper*. "Understanding the Role of Oxygen and Hydrogen Defects in Modulating the Optoelectronic Properties of P-Type Metal Oxide Semiconductors." Chemistry of Materials 33, no. 19 (2021): 7829-7838.
(3) Chen, Tao, Wanhu Chen, Zemin Zhang, Xiao Jiang, Muhammad Sufyan Javed, Mingzheng Xie, and Weihua Han*. "Preferential photo-carrier exchange in (010) facet of BiVO4 with decorated CdS nanoparticles." Applied Physics Letters 119, no. 25 (2021): 253902.
(4) Sun, Mengdi, Zemin Zhang, Qiujin Shi, Jianlong Yang, Mingzheng Xie, and Weihua Han. "Toward photocatalytic hydrogen generation over BiVO4 by controlling particle size." Chinese Chemical Letters 32, no. 8 (2021): 2419-2422.
(5) Liu, Bo, Xiao Jiang, Xiaolin Jiang, Yinyi Ma, Zemin Zhang*, and Weihua Han*. "Z-Scheme Photocarrier Transfer Realized in Tungsten Oxide-Based Photocatalysts by Combining with Bismuth Vanadate Quantum Dots." Inorganic Chemistry 60, no. 5 (2021): 3057-3064.
(6) Cooper, Jason K., Zemin Zhang, Subhayan Roychoudhury, Chang-Ming Jiang, Sheraz Gul, Yi-Sheng Liu, Rohan Dhall et al. "CuBi2O4: Electronic Structure, Optical Properties, and Photoelectrochemical Performance Limitations of the Photocathode." Chemistry of Materials 33, no. 3 (2021): 934-945.
(7) Zemin Zhang#, Sarah A. Lindley, Guevarra Dan, Kan Kevin, Shinde Aniketa, John M. Gregoire, Weihua Han, Erqing Xie, Joel A. Haber, Jason K. Cooper*, Fermi Level Engineering of Passivation and Electron Transport Materials for p‐Type CuBi2O4 Employing a High‐Throughput Methodology. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2000948.
(8) Zemin Zhang#, Sarah A. Lindley, Rohan Dhall, Karen Bustillo, Weihua Han, Erqin Xie, Jason K. Cooper*, Beneficial CuO Phase Segregation in the Ternary p-Type Oxide Photocathode CuBi2O4, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 6, 4111-4117.
(9) Mohamed Ebaid, Kun Jiang, Zemin Zhang, Walter S. Drisdell, Alexis T. Bell*, Jason K. Cooper*, Production of C2/C3 Oxygenates from Planar Copper Nitride-Derived Mesoporous Copper via Electrochemical Reduction of CO2, Chem. Mater. 2020, 32, 7, 3304–3311.
(10) Zemin Zhang#, Xiao Jiang, JunFeng Mei, Yunxia Li, Weihua Han*, Mingzheng Xie, Fangcong Wang, Erqing Xie*. Improved photoelectrocatalytic hydrogen generation through BiVO4 quantum-dots loaded on nano-structured SnO2 and modified with carbon quantum-dots. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 331, 48-53.
(11) Mingzheng Xie, Zemin Zhang, Weihua Han, Xiuwen Cheng, Xiaoli Li, Erqing Xie, Efficient hydrogen evolution under visible light irradiation over BiVO4 quantum dot decorated screw-like SnO2 nanostructures, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017,5, 10338-10346.
(12) Zemin Zhang#, Yunxia Li, Xiao Jiang, Weihua Han*, Mingzheng Xie, Fangcong Wang, Erqing Xie*. Significantly improved charge collection and interface injection in 3D BiVO 4 based multilayered core–shell nanowire photocatalysts. Nanoscale, 2017, 9(37), 14015-14022.
(13) Xiao Jiang, Zemin Zhang, Junfeng Mei, Dongyan Han, Mingzheng Xie, Fangcong Wang, Erqing Xie, Weihua Han, Carbon quantum dots based charge bridge between photoanode and electrocatalysts for efficiency water oxidation, Electrochimica Acta 273 (2018) 208e215.
(14) Zemin Zhang#, Caitian Gao, Yunxia Li, Weihua Han*, Wenbin Fu, Yongmin He, and Erqing Xie*, 'Enhanced Charge Separation and Transfer through Fe2O3/ITO Nanowire Arrays Wrapped with Reduced Graphene Oxide for WaterSplitting', Nano Energy, 30 (2016): 892-899.
(15) Zemin Zhang#, Caitian Gao, Zimao Wu, Weihua Han*, Yaling Wang, Wenbin Fu, Xiaodong Li, and Erqing Xie*, 'Toward Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water-Splitting by Using Screw-Like Sno2 Nanostructures as Photoanode after Being Decorated with Cds Quantum Dots', Nano Energy, 19 (2016), 318-27.
(16) Zemin Zhang#, Xiaodong Li#, Caitian Gao, Feng Teng, Youqing Wang, Lulu Chen, Weihua Han*, Zhenxing Zhang, and Erqing Xie*, 'Synthesis of Cadmium Sulfide Quantum Dot-Decorated Barium Stannate Nanowires for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting', Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015), 12769-76.
(17) Caitian Gao#, Zemin Zhang#, Xiaodong Li, Lulu Chen, Youqing Wang, Yongmin He, Feng Teng, Jinyuan Zhou, Weihua Han, and Erqing Xie*, 'Synergistic Effects in Three-Dimensional SnO2/TiO2/Cds Multi-Heterojunction Structure for Highly Efficient Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 141 (2015), 101-07.
(18) Zemin Zhang#, Yaxiong Zhang, Xiao Jiang, Haroon Bukhari, Zhenxing Zhang, Weihua Han*, Erqing Xie*, Simple and efficient pressure sensor based on PDMS wrapped CNT arrays. Carbon, 155, 71-76.
(19) Xiaodong Li, Zemin Zhang, Lulu Chen, Zhongping Liu, Jianli Cheng , Wei Ni, Erqing Xie*, Bin Wang, Cadmium sulfide quantum dots sensitized tin dioxideetitanium dioxide heterojunction for efficient photoelectrochemical hydrogen production, Journal of Power Sources 269 (2014) 866e872.

1. 张泽民,刘博,韩卫华,谢二庆;一种适用于薄膜样品的光电催化反应池,专利号:202210961533.0。
2.  张泽民,余凯,一种新型的超声喷雾热解旋转镀膜机,专利号:202211021612.X。
3. 张泽民;孙萌迪;刘博;一种新型多功能光电化学反应池,专利申请号:2021101113651,实质性审查。
4. 谢二庆;张泽民;杨佳明;江筱;一种连续离子层吸附沉积法量子点制备装置及其方法,公开号:CN107245752B,专利号:CN201710271260.6,公开日:2019.04.24。
5. 韩卫华;王有庆;张泽民;于凯;谢二庆; 一种简易可编程微弱应力施加装置,公开号:CN105890841A,专利号:CN201410686895.9,公开日:2016.08.24。

	                        1.  甘肃省高新技术特派专员项目,纵向,2023.05-2024.04,主持;
2.  陇原青年创新创业人才项目,纵向,2023-2024, 主持;
3. 科技委项目,纵向,2023-2025,主持;
4. 国家自然科学基金,青年基金,2023-2025,主持;
5. 国家重点研发计划-子课题,纵向,2023-2027,主持子任务;
6. 中科院半导体所技术开发项目,横向,2022,主持;
7. 海亮集团技术开发项目,横向,2022-2023,主持;
8. 甘肃省青年科学基金,省部级,2021.01-2022.12,主持;
9. 国家自然科学基金委,面上,2020-01-2023.12,参与;
10. 国家自然科学基金委,面上,2016.01-2019.12,参与;
11 科技部,重大专项,,2017.07-2021.06,参与;


1. 张泽民,p型氧化物半导体的光电子性质研究,第四届光催化学术会议,2021年6月26日,苏州,邀请报告;
2. Zemin Zhang; Jason K. Cooper, The Optoelectronic Properties of Copper-Based P-type Semiconductor: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach, ACS Fall 2019 Nation Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, August 25-29, 2019, Oral.
3. Zemin Zhang; Jason K. Cooper, Photodriven CO2 RR-new materials, All Hands Meeting, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, Oxnard, CA, USA, February 13-15, 2019, Organizer and Poster.
4. Zemin Zhang; Wenbing Fu; Weihua Han; Erqin Xie, Screw-like SnO2 nanostructures as water splitting photoanode after being decorated with CdS quantum dots, China Nano, Beijing Internal Convention Center, Beijing, China, August 17-19, 2016, Poster.

同 步 辐 射 光 源分析 :2019 Accelerator user training: ESH Safety, General EmployeeRadiological, Cyber Security. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, CA, USA; 
Regiku XRD:2019 Regiku Smartlab high resolution X-ray diffractometer (XRD)professional training, Joint Central for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP), Lawrence Berkeley NationalLab. CA, USA;
纳米加工工艺:2018 User training for Nanofabrication, Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. CA, USA;
电镜中心: 2018 User training for Transmission Electron Microscope (Titanx), the National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM), Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. CA,USA;
辐射安全防护:2017-2018 User trainings for materials synthesis and characterizations, include: reaction co-sputtering, X-ray technologies (XPS, XAS, XES, RIXS) photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Ellipsometry, Transient absorption spectroscopy (TA), Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and so on, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP), Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. CA, USA;

	                        本人在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,人工光合作用研究中心交流学习长达两年,建立了深厚的国际友谊,同时也与加州大学伯克利分校(材料学院), 加州理工大学(人工光合作用中心,高通量分析研究组)、德国肖特基研究中心等单位保持着紧密的联系和合作。 同时本人也与国内多家知名课题组保持深入的交流和合作。课题组成员有机会派往对方单位进行联合培养,特别优秀者可推荐攻读博士学位。