
2003-9至2007-7, 兰州大学, 物理学, 学士
2008-9至2011-7, 中国人民大学, 物理学, 硕士
2011-9至2014-7, 中国人民大学, 物理学, 博士
2014-8至2017-6, 北京计算科学研究中心, 博士后
2017-7至2019-4, 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所, 结构化学国家重点实验室, 助理研究员
2019-5至今, 兰州大学, 物理科学与技术学院, 青年研究员

1. Yiding Li, Kai Sun, Yujun Fu, Siqi Wang, Chenyu Zhuge, Xiaoqiang Yin, Zhibo Yang, Zhenhua Li, Dequan Liu*, Xi Wang*, Deyan He*, “Bowling Collision Effect” of CoMo6 Polyoxometalate Units Enables Wide Temperature Range from −20 to 60 °C and Dendrite Mitigation Li-S Batteries, Adv. Mater. 36, e2406343 (2024).

2. Yutian Lei, Mengying Yin, Chang Shi, Lingxi Wu, Guoqiang Peng, Youkui Xu, Haoxu Wang, Rongbing Tang, ZhenHua Li, and Zhiwen Jin*, Tailored molecular for ultra-stability and biocompatible pseudohalide metal-free perovskite towards X-ray detectors with record sensitivity, Tailored molecular for ultra-stability and biocompatible pseudohalide metal-free perovskite towards X-ray detectors with record sensitivity, npj Flexible Electronics 8, 46 (2024).

3. Shuo Wang, Huanyu Chen, Youkui Xu, Guoqiang Peng, Haoxu Wang, Qijun Li, Xufeng Zhou, ZhenHua Li, Qian Wang, and Zhiwen Jin, Organic Cation Modulation in Manganese Halides to Optimize Crystallization Process and X-Ray Response Toward Large-Area Scintillator Screen, Small, 20, 2403234 (2024).

4. Youkui Xu, ZhenHua Li, Chang Shi, Yumai Li, Yutian Lei, Guoqiang Peng, Tengfei Yu, Haiyu Ren, Haoxu Wang, Hengzhong Fan, Yongsheng Zhang, Zhipeng Ci, Qian Wang, and Zhiwen Jin*, Tailoring Multi-Phenyl Ring Cation for Stable Scalable Hybrid Bismuth Iodide Amorphous Film: Enabling Record Sensitivity and High-Performance X-ray Array Imaging, Adv. Mater. 36, e2406128 (2024).

5. Gongli Chen, Yaxin Cao, ZhenHua Li, Xicheng Wang, and Yuhua Wang, Luminescence center modulation towards a narrow-band green phosphor: mechanism and backlighting display application, Chem. Commun. 60, (2024).

6. Zhizai Li, Yunqing Pang, Guoqiang Peng, Haoxu Wang, Qijun Li, Xufeng Zhou, ZhenHua Li, Qian Wang, and Zhiwen Jin*, Aminoazanium of A-site Cations in Metal-Free Halide Perovskite Single Crystals to Reduce Thermal Expansion for Efficient X-ray Detection, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15, 4375 (2024).

7. ZhenHua Li, YuRong Zeng, YongXi Cheng*, Xiao Zheng, JianHua Wei*, Hong-Gang Luo*, and YiJing Yan, The Kondo Scaling for Spin Thermocurrent in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, New J. Phys. 26, 043022 (2024).

8. Guoqiang Peng, Fu Qiu, ZhenHua Li, Haoxu Wang, Qijun Li, Zhiwen Jin*, Single-Source Evaporated High-Quality Single-Phase Cs3Cu2I5 Scintillator Films for High Performance X-Ray Imaging, Adv. Funct. Mater. 34, 2403052 (2024).

9. Yiwen Dong, Bo Zhang, Yantao Cao, Hanjie Guo, Wei Ren, Anmin Zhang, ZhenHua Li, Zhengqing Wei, Haoliang Liu, Liyun Tang, Hua Pang, Fashen Li, and Zhiwei Li, Simple yet clear local evidence for the tetrahedral triple-𝑄 magnetic ground state in the triangular antiferromagnet Co1/3NbS2, Phys. Rev. B 109, 094401 (2014).

10. Bo Zhang#, Jijun Xue#, Yantao Cao, Qifeng Kuang, Da Li, Hanjie Guo, ZhenHua Li*, Liyun Tang, Hua Pang, Fashen Li, and Zhiwei Li*, Site preference of the 3d transition metal ions in the Mn4-xFexNb2O9 compounds as revealed by Mössbauer spectroscopy, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 594, 171890 (2024).

11. Gongli Chen#, Yonghong Qin#, ZhenHua Li*, Xicheng Wang*, and Yuhua Wang*, Structure, Luminescence Property, and Valence-induced Spectral Behavior in a Bismuth-activated Garnet Phosphor, J. Mater. Chem. C 12, 2787 (2024).

12. Minqi Hui, Xueyang Zhao, ZhenHua Li, Xicheng Wang*, Yuhua Wang, Imbedded Perovskite Nanocrystals in Metal Halide Microcrystal: Synthesis and Heterostructure, Adv. Optical Mater. 12, 2301636 (2024).

13. Youkui Xu, ZhenHua Li, Tengfei Yu, Guoqiang Peng, Yutian Lei, Huanyu Chen, Yujiang Wu, Haoxu Wang, and Zhiwen Jin*, Crystalline–Amorphous Heterojunction for a Metal Halides Single Crystals X-Ray Detector with Substantially Increased Sensitivity, Laser Photonics Rev. 18, 2300654 (2024).

14. Huanyu Chen, ZhenHua Li, Shuo Wang, Guoqiang Peng, Wei Lan, Haoxu Wang, Zhiwen Jin*, Molecular Design of Layered Hybrid Silver Bismuth Bromine Single Crystal for Ultra-Stable X-Ray Detection with Record Sensitivity, Adv. Mater. 35, e202308872 (2023).

15. Zhizai Li#, Shenghuan Shi#, Guoqiang Peng, Yujiang Wu, Hang Xie, Haoxu Wang, ZhenHua Li, and Zhiwen Jin*, Metal-Free Hydrazinium Halide Perovskitoid Single Crystals for X-ray Detection, Nano Lett. 23, 9972 (2023).

16. YongXi Cheng, ZhenHua Li*, JianHua Wei, and Hong-Gang Luo, Real-Time Dynamics in Strongly Correlated Quantum-Dot Systems, Chin. Phys. B 32, 127302 (2023).

17. Guoqiang Peng, Zhizai Li, ZhenHua Li, Haoxu Wang, and Zhiwen Jin*, Highly Efficient Zero-Dimensional Cuprous Halides Hybrids for Pulsed X-ray Detection and 3D Reconstruction Imaging, IEEE Electron Device Letters 44, 967 (2023).

18. Youkui Xu#, ZhenHua Li#, Guoqiang Peng, Fu Qiu, Zhizai Li, Yutian Lei, Yujie Deng, Haoxu Wang, Zitong Liu, and Zhiwen Jin*, Organic Cation Design of Manganese Halide Hybrids Glass Toward Low-Temperature Integrated Efficient, Scaling, and Reproducible X-Ray Detector, Adv. Optical Mater. 11, 202300216 (2023).

19. Zhizai Li#, ZhenHua Li#, Guoqiang Peng, Chang Shi, Haoxu Wang, San-Yuan Ding, Qian Wang, Zitong Liu, Zhiwen Jin*, PF6− Pseudohalides Anion based Metal-Free Perovskite Single Crystal for Stable X-ray Detector to Attain Record Sensitivity, Adv. Mater. 35, e2300480 (2023).

20. Zhizai Li, Guoqiang Peng, ZhenHua Li, Youkui Xu, Tao Wang, Haoxu Wang, Zitong Liu, Gang Wang, Liming Ding, and Zhiwen Jin*, Hydrogen Bonds Strengthened Metal-Free Perovskite for Degradable X-ray Detector with Enhanced Stability, Flexibility and Sensitivity, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62, e202218349 (2023).

21. Huanyu Chen, Baoyi An, Guoqiang Peng, Shuo Wang, ZhenHua Li, Jie Sun, Wei Lan, Jiajia Fu, Haoxu Wang, Liming Ding, and Zhiwen Jin*, High-quality 0DCs4PbBr6-Base dense wafer for high-sensitivity x-ray detection and high-resolution imaging in harsh environment, Adv. Optical Mater. 11, 202202157 (2023).

22. ZhenHua Li, Zhi-Ming Yu, JianHua Wei*, and Hong-Gang Luo*, Probing the antiferromagnetic structure of bilayer CrI3 by second harmonic generation: A first-principles study, Phys. Rev. B 106, 235410 (2022).

23. Hengxin Li, Yutian Lei, Guoqiang Peng, Qian Wang, ZhenHua Li, Haoxu Wang, Gang Wang, and Zhiwen Jin*, Low-temperature melt processing monolithic integration of organic manganese(ii) bromide wafers with pixelated substrate for high-sensitivity x-ray imaging, Adv. Funct. Mater. 32, 2208199 (2022).

24. Yutian Lei, Guoqiang Peng, Haoxu Wang, Gang Wang, Siwei Yang, Qian Wang, ZhenHua Li*, and Zhiwen Jin*, 2D Dion–JacobsonCsPbI3 with enhanced interlayer coupling for stable and efficient photovoltaics, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 9, 2201501 (2022).

25. ZhenHua Li*, Anmin Zhang, and Hong-Gang Luo, The microscopic origin of second harmonic generation response: The spatial structure of instantaneous dipole moments in electron excitation, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61, e202212125 (2022).

26. Youkui Xu, Yingtao Li, Guoqiang Peng, Qian Wang, Zhenhua Li, Haoxu Wang, Gang Wang, and Zhiwen Jin, Asymmetric metal halide film with suppressed leakage current for high sensitive x- ray detection and imaging, IEEE Electron Device Letters 43, 1709 (2022).

27. Zhizai Li, Guoqiang Peng, Huanyu Chen, Chang Shi, ZhenHua Li, and Zhiwen Jin*, Metal-free Paze-NH4X3H2O perovskite for flexible transparent x-ray detection and imaging, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61, e202207198 (2022).

28. Huanhuan Yao, Zhizai Li, Chang Shi, Youkui Xu, Qian Wang, ZhenHua Li*, Guoqiang Peng, Yutian Lei, Haoxu Wang, Zhipeng Ci*, and Zhiwen Jin*, A novel multiple-ring aromatic spacer based 2D Ruddlesden–PopperCsPbI3 solar cell with record efficiency beyond 16%, Adv. Funct. Mater. 32, 2205029 (2022).

29. Yutian Lei#, Zhen-Hua Li#, Haoxu Wang, Qian Wang, Guoqiang Peng, Youkui Xu, Haihua Zhang, Gang Wang, Liming Ding, Zhiwen Jin*, Manipulate energy transport via fluorinated spacers towards record efficiency 2D Dion-Jacobson CsPbI3 solar cells, Sci. Bull. 67, 1352 (2022).

30. Shuo Wang, Youkui Xu, Qian Wang*, Xufeng Zhou, ZhenHua Li*, Meng Wang, Yutian Lei, Hong Zhang, Haoxu Wang and Zhiwen Jin, Guanidium-Assisted Crystallization Engineering for Highly Efficient CsPbI3 Solar Cells, J. Mater. Chem. C, 10, 8234 (2022).

31. ZhenHua Li*, Shuiquan Deng, Myung-Hwan Whangbo, and Hong-Gang Luo, Orbital projection technique to explore the materials genomes of optical susceptibilities, AIP Advances 12, 055206 (2022)

32. ZhenHua Li, YongXi Cheng, Xiao Zheng, JianHua Wei, YiJing Yan, and Hong-Gang Luo*, Study the mixed valence problem in asymmetric Anderson model: Fano-Kondo resonance around Fermi level, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34, 255601 (2022).

33. YongXi Cheng, ZhenHua Li*, Xiao Zheng, JianHua Wei*, Hong-Gang Luo*, Hai-Qing Lin, and YiJing Yan, Magnetic Field Dependent Kondo Transport through Double Quantum Dots System, Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 534, 2100439 (2022).

34. Ni Luo, Jing Xu, Xiyue Cheng, ZhenHua Li, Yidong Huang, Myung-Hwan Whangbo*, Shuiquan Deng*, and Maochun Hong, High partial thermal conductivity of luminescence sites: a crucial factor for reducing the heat-induced lowering of the luminescence efficiency, J. Mater. Chem. C 9, 14439 (2021).

35. YongXi Cheng, ZhenHua Li*, JianHua Wei, Hong-Gang Luo, and Hai-Qing Lin, Thermoelectric transport through strongly correlated double quantum dots with Kondo resonance, Physics Letters A 415, 127657 (2021).

36. YongXi Cheng, ZhenHua Li, JianHua Wei*, Hong-Gang Luo*, Hai-Qing Lin, YiJing Yan, Kondo resonance assistant thermoelectric transport through strongly correlated quantum dot, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 63, 297811 (2020).

37. Wan-Xiu He, Zhan Cao*, Gao-Yang Li, Lin Li, Hai-Feng Lü, ZhenHua Li, Hong-Gang Luo*, Performance of the T-matrix based master equation for Coulomb drag in double quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 101, 035417 (2020).

38. Fu-Li Sun, Zhen-Hua Li, and Jian-Hua Wei*, Zero-energy modes in serially coupled double quantum dots, Chin. Phys. B 29, 067302 (2020).

39. Xiyue Cheng, ZhenHua Li, Xin-Tao Wu, Maochun Hong, Myung-Hwan Whangbo*, Shuiquan Deng*, Key Factors Controlling the Large Second Harmonic Generation in Nonlinear Optical Materials, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 9434 (2020).

40. ZhenHua Li, YongXi Cheng, JianHua Wei*, Xiao Zheng, and YiJing Yan, Kondo-peak splitting and resonance enhancement caused by interdot tunneling in coupled double quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B 98, 115133 (2018).

41. YongXi Cheng, ZhenHua Li, JianHua Wei*, YiHang Nie* and YiJing Yan, Transient dynamics of a quantum-dot: From Kondo regime to mixed valence and to empty orbital regimes. J. Chem. Phys. 148, 134111, (2018).

42. ZhenHua Li, JianHua Wei, Xiao Zheng, YiJing Yan and Hong-Gang Luo*, Corrected Kondo temperature beyond the conventional Kondo scaling limit, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 175601(2017).

43. Lei Pan, YuanDong Wang, ZhenHua Li, JianHua Wei* and YiJing Yan, Kondo effect in double quantum dots with ferromagnetic RKKY interaction, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29, 025601(2017).

44. YongXi Cheng, WenJie Hou, YuanDong Wang, ZhenHua Li, JianHua Wei* and YiJing Yan, Time-Dependent Transport through Quantum-Impurity Systems with Kondo Resonance, New J. Phys. 17, 033009 (2015).

45. ZhenHua Li, NingHua Tong, Xiao Zheng*, Dong Hou, JianHua Wei*, Jie Hu, and YiJing Yan*, Hierarchical Liouville-space approach for accurate and universal characterization of quantum impurity systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 266403 (2012).

	                        1,主持国家自然基金青年项目1项(Grant No. 11504017,已结题),参与面上项目3项(已结题2项,在研1项),参与青年项目1项(已结题)
2,开发了基于第一性原理计算材料光学性质的程序包DFTop(Density Functional Theory based OPtical toolkits)
	                        担任Euro. Phys. Letter,Chin. Phys. B, Chin. J. Struc. Chem.审稿人