姓名:庞 华

	                        Hua Pang's research focuses on the characterization of microscopic magnetic structures and phase transitions of strongly correlated electron systems. Electron scattering and Mössbauer spectroscopic techniques are combined with first-principles calculations to provide a new way of understanding the micro-mechanism of spin dynamics of non-collinear magnets. Current research is concentrated on the magnetic structures, dynamics of phase transitions, ultrafast properties of nanoscale topological magnets, with a focus on chiral materials for information storage technologies, energy-related materials, and nanoscale optoelectronic devices.

庞华,教授,博士生导师。于2000.3毕业于东北大学,获博士学位。于2000.4在中科院金属研究所做博士后,期间在德国马谱学会金属研究所做博士后,2003.6回国到兰州大学物理科学与技术学院任教至今。主讲本科生课程《热力学统计物理》,配评为甘肃省精品课程;主讲《热学基础 II》获批首批国家一流本科生课程。长期从事材料的结构与性能的应用基础研究,擅长在微观磁结构的表征。目前的研究兴趣主要集中在纳米拓扑磁体的磁性结构、相变动力学、超快特性等方面,重点是用于信息存储技术的手性材料、能量相关材料和纳米光电器件。曾主持、参与多项国家自然科学基金项目,现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《穆斯堡尔谱学研究B20型铁基化合物中自旋轨道耦合及其对手征磁性的影响》。
	                        1. Structures and phase transitions of strongly correlated  electron system;  
2. Mechanisms and applications of magneto-electric coupling in  multiferroic materials;  
3. Electronic structure and properties of low-dimensional magnets;  


	                        讲授本科生课程—— 热力学统计物理、原子物理、大学物理等课程

	                        Mössbauer spectroscopy study of nematicity in Ba(Fe0.962Cu0.038)2As2 single crystal: enhanced orbital effect, Yang Li , Jijun Xue, Shixin Hu and Hua Pang, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33 205602 (2021)
A High Energy Density Azobenzene/Graphene Oxide Hybrid with Weak Nonbonding Interactions for Solar Thermal Storage,Wenhui Pang, Jijun Xue,Hua Pang,Scientific Reports,(2019) 9:5224
Excellent microwave absorption properties of the h-BN-GO-Fe3O4 ternary composite, Pang, Hua; Pang, Wenhui; Zhang, Bo; Ren, Nan, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, 2018, 6,11722
Elimination of bubbles and improvement of the superconducting properties in MgB2 films annealed using electron beam, xuzhuang; Kong Xiaodong; Han Li; Pang hua*; Wu yue; Gao Zhaosun; Li Xiaona, Superconductor Science and Technology, 2017.1.30, 30: 035013    
Phase separation in Ca1−x La x Fe2As2 superconductors: a 57Fe Mössbauer study, Liu Xiaoxing; Li Yang; Wan Jianmei; Li Zhiwei; Pang Hua*, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2016.2.24, 28: 125701    
57Fe Mössbauer study of Lu2Fe3Si5 ironc silicide superconductor, Ma Xiaomin; Ran Sheng; Pang Hua; Li Fashen; PaulC.Canfield; SergeyL.Bud'ko*, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2015.3.28, 83: 58~63 
Mossbauer study of magnetic fluctuation in the iron-arsenic layer of Sr2VO3FeAs , Ma, X. -M.; Wan, J. -M.; Liu, J. -P.; Pang, H. *; Li, F. -S., EPL, 2014.2, 105(3)
Electric field induced modification of magnetic properties in Co2Si2 multilayers,J. Appl. Phy.,115,014301 (2014)
Mossbauer study of magnetic fluctuation in the iron-arsenic layer of Sr2VO3FeAs,Eur. Phys. Lett, 105 (2014)
Microwave absorption enhancement of CIP/PANI composites, Synthetic Metals,166 (2013)
Magnetic properties and spin dynamics in Ba(Fe1-xMnx)2As2 compounds studied by57Fe M?ssbauer spectroscopy, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 135703 (2013)
A method for analyzing the microwave absorption Properties of magnetic materials', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324, 2492-2495 (2012)
A Mossbauer study of the magneto-structural coupling effect in SrFe2As2and SrFeAsF”,Hyperfine Interact,DOI 10.1007/s10751-011-0425-2 (2012)
A Mossbauer study of Ba(Fe1 - xMnx)2As2single crystals”,Hyperfine Interact,DOI 10.1007/s10751 -012- 0561- 3 (2012)
Charge redistribution at the antiferromagnetic phase transition in the SrFeAsF compound',Phy. Rev. B84: 134509 (2011)
Magneto-structural coupling and harmonic lattice dynamics in CaFe2As2probed by M?ssbauer spectroscopy', J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 255701
Hyperfine interactions and electronic structures of BaFe2As2: a first-principles LDA+U study , Hyperfine Interact (2011) 199:387–396 ; DOI 10.1007/s10751-011-0333-5
Microwave absorption properties of PANI/CIP/Fe3O4 composites, Synthetic Metals, 161 (2011) 420-425
H. Pang, L. Qiao and F. S. Li,“Calculation of magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy in NdCo5”, phys. status solid b, 246,6(2009)
H. Pang, Q. Pan, and P. H. Song, “Molecular dynamics study of two-dimensional melting transition in copper via the embedded atom method”,Phys. Rev. B, 76, 064109(2007)

	                        2010.1-2012.12 过渡金属掺杂的铁基高温超导材料SrFe2-XTMAs2的穆斯堡尔研究 国家自然基金委

2013.1-2016.12 铁基超导体磁性与超导电性关系的超精细相互作用研究 国家自然基金委

2020.1-2023.12 穆斯堡尔谱学研究B20型铁基化合物中自旋轨道耦合及其对手征磁性的影响  国家自然基金委


Ph.D., Master's degree in Condensed Matter Physics               2 people/year
Master of Materials                                                                    1 person/year 
Master of Engineering in Materials Physics and Chemistry       1 person/year

Welcome students interested in scientific research!
Contact: hpang@lzu.edu.cn


凝聚态物理专业博士、硕士  2人/年
材料学硕士                         1人/年 
材料物理与化学专业硕士     1人/年

联系方式: hpang@lzu.edu.cn