
	                        王涛,男,1979年2月生,现为兰州大学物理科学与技术学院教授、博士生导师。2005年兰州大学物理科学与技术学院凝聚态物理专业博士毕业,师从李发伸教授,2006年4月—2009年3月在日本秋田大学风险投资实验室做博士后研究,2009年4月回到兰州大学磁学与磁性材料教育部重点实验室工作。从研究生开始至今一直致力于磁学与磁性材料的研究,先后从事材料的穆斯堡尔谱学、垂直磁记录纳米材料的制备与反磁化机制、软磁材料的高频电磁特性等方面的研究。目前致力于二维高频软磁材料、高性能隐身材料及设计的研究。先后承担 国家重点研发计划课题,主持了多项国家重点专项、多项国家自然科学基金项目,以及多项横向课题。现为基金委评审专家,多个国际SCI杂志审稿专家,2005年以来已公开发表SCI研究论文100多篇。



3. 新一代高频软磁材料及在5G通讯的应用研究

4. 每年招收研究生信息:
1.G. W. Wang, J. M. Zhang, Z. Y. Zheng, L. Qiao, T. Wang*, Fashen Li, Comparative study on the high frequency performances of the easy-planeFeNi@SiO2 powder soft magnetic composite, Curr. Appl. Phys. 41, 73, 2022.

2.J. M. Zhang, C. Liu, T. Wang*, Fashen Li, Investigating the absorption performance of a monolayer-coated absorber at oblique incidence, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 065001 (2022).

3. W. L Li, J. M. Zhang, D. L. He, G. W. Wang, T. Wang*, Microwave absorption properties of amorphous Fe–B particle composites, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 305002 (2021).

4. J. M. Zhang, G. W. Wang, T. Wang*, F. S. Li, Genetic algorithms to automate the design of metasurfaces for absorption bandwidth broadening, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 7792 (2021).

5.P. Wang, J. M. Zhang, G. W. Wang, B. F. Duan, T. Wang*, F. S. Li, Preparation and study of Ce2Fe17N3 microflakes with easy-plane anisotropy and high working frequencies, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 112403 (2020).

6.J. M. Zhang, Z. Y. Dou, P. Wang, B. F. Duan, G. W. Wang, D. L. He, T. Wang*, F. S. Li, Mechanism research of extending absorption bandwidth of magnetic composite by loading metal periodic array, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 265002 (2020).

7. P. Wang, G. W. Wang, J. M. Zhang, B. F. Duan, L. H. Zheng, S. Zhang, D. L. He, T. Wang*, Excellent microwave absorbing performance of the sandwich structure absorber Fe@B2O3MoS2Fe@B2O3 in the Ku-band and X-band, Chem. Eng. J., 382, 122804 (2020).

8.G. W. Wang, X. L. Li, P. Wang, J. M. Zhang, D. Wang, L. Qiao, T. Wang*, F. S. Li,Microwave absorption properties of flake-shaped Co particles composites at elevated temperature (293-673 K) in X band, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 456, 92 (2018).

9.P. Wang, X. M. Wang, L. Qiao, J. M. Zhang, G. W. Wang, B. F. Duan, T. Wang*, F. S. Li, High-freuqncy magnetic properties and microwave absorption performance of oxidized Pr2Co17 flekes/epoxy composite in x-band, J. Mang. Magn. Mater. 468, 193 (2018).

10.Y. W. Chen, Y. Wang*, P. Wang, T. Y. Ma, T. Wang*, Hyperthermia properties of hyaluronic acid-coated La0.7Sr0.3-xBaxMnO3 nanoparticles, J. Mater. Chem. B, 6, 2126 (2018).

11.J. Y. Jiao, T. Y. Ma, Z. W. Li*, L. Qiao, Y. Wang, T. Wang*, F. S. Li, Effective reduction of the coercivity for Co72Pt28 thin film by exchange coupled Co81Ir19 soft layer with negative magnetocrystalline anisotropy, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51, 055507 (2018).

12.T. Y. Ma,J. Y. Jiao,Z. W. Li,L. Qiao,T.Wang*,F. S Li,Micrometer thick soft magnetic films with magnetic moments restricted strictly in plane by negative magnetocrystalline anisotropy,J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 444, 119 (2017).  

13.B. Y. Zhou,Y. F. Wang, F. S. Li, L. Y. Tang,T. Wang, L. Qiao*, F. S. Li,Submicron carbonyl iron particles as an efficient microwave absorber in the low frequency band,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 475001 (2017).

14.Y. B.Zhang, P. Wang, T. Y. Ma; Y. Wang, T. Wang*,High-frequency electromagnetic properties of soft magnetic Nd2Co17 micron flakes fractured along c crystal plane with natural resonance frequency exceeding 10 GHz, Appl. Phys. Lett.108, 092406 (2016).

15.T. Wang*, P. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Qiao, A broadband far-field microwave absorber with a sandwich structure,Materials & Design, 95, 486 (2016).

16.王涛*,张峻铭,王鹏,乔亮,唐丽云,薛德胜,李发伸, 吸波材料吸波机制及吸波剂性能优劣评价方法(专家论坛), 磁性材料及器件, 6, 7(2016).

17.F. Xu, S. Zhang, D. Z. Yang,T. Wang*, and F. S. Li, High-frequency of oriented hcp-Co1-xIrx(0.06≤x≤0.24) soft magnetic films, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 17B725 (2015).

18.Y. B. Zhang, P. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Qiao, T. Wang, F. S. Li, Synthesis and excellent electromagnetic wave absorption properties of parallel aligned FeCo@C core-shell nanoflake composites, J.Mater. Chem. C, 3, 10813 (2015).

19.T. Wang*, F. Xu, L. Y. Tang, L. Qiao, and F. S. Li, Study on matching map for the absorber filled by metallic magnetic particles, J. Appl. Phys. 116, 173912 (2014).

20.T. Wang*, H. D. Wang, X. Chi, R. Li, J. B. Wang, Synthesis and microwave absorption properties of Fe-C nanofibers by electrospinning with disperse Fe nanoparticles parceled by carbon, Carbon, 74, 312 (2014).

21.W. F. Yang, L. Qiao, J. Q. Wei, Z. Q. Zhang,T. Wang*, and F. S. Li, Microwave permeability of flake-shaped FeCuNbSiB particle composite with rotational orientation, J. Appl. Phys.107, 033913 (2010).

22.王博翀,王涛,李发伸,Ni/NiO核壳结构微粉复合材料微波吸收性质研究, 隐身技术 4,22-26(2009).

	                        1.  科技部重大专项

2. 国家重大(点)专项

4. 国家自然科学基金

5. 企业(研究所)合作课题