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2. Shi HG*, He ST, Bai JM, Chang SQ, “Magnetic force microscopy and simulated computation study of the shape defects-induced static magnetic structure in a single Ni80Fe20 nanowire”, Applied Physics A, 108 (2012) 891.

3. Shi HG*, He XM, “Large-scale synthesis and magnetic properties of cubic CoO nanoparticles”, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 73 (2012) 646.

4. Guo DW, Jiang CJ, Fan XL, Shi HG, Xue DS, “Post-deposition heat-treated NixZn1?xFe2O4 films exhibiting higher resonance frequency”, Applied Surface Science, 258 (2012) 4237.

5. He XM, Shi HG*, “Size and shape effects on magnetic properties of Ni nanoparticles Particuology”, Particuology, 10 (2012) 497.

6. He XM, Shi HG*, “Synthesis and anomalous magnetic properties of hexagonal CoO nanoparticles”, Materials Research Bulletin, 46 (2011) 1692.

7. He ST, Chang SQ, Shi HG*, “Effects of notches on the order of flux-closure state formation in bi-rings by micromagnetic simulation”, Chinese Physica B, 20 (2011) 127503.

8. Gao DQ, Li JY, Li ZX, Zhang ZH, Zhang J, Shi HG, Xue DS, “Defect-Mediated Magnetism in Pure CaO Nanopowders”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (2010) 11703.

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12. Si MS, Li JY, Shi HG, Niu XN, Xue DS, “Divacancies in graphitic boron nitride sheets”, Europhysics Letters, 86 (2009) 46002.

13. Shi HG, Xue DS, “Magnetic and distribution of magnetic moments in amorphous Fe89.7P10.3 alloy nanowire arrays”, Chinese Physics Letters, 25 (2008) 282.

14. Shi HG, Xue DS, “Fabrication and Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Co1-xPx Alloy Nanowire Arrays”, The Open Nanoscience Journal, 2 (2008) 29.

15. Xue DS, Fu JL, Shi HG, “Mossbauer study of Fe0.92-xCoxP0.08 nanowire arrays”, Solid State Communications, 142 (2007) 247.

16. Xue DS, Fu JL, Shi HG, “Preparation and magnetic properties of Fe0.88-xCoxP0.12 amorphous nanowire arrays”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 308 (2007) 1.

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18. Shi HG, Fu JL, Xue DS, “Magnetic properties of amorphous Fe89.7P10.3 alloy nanowire arrays”, Acta Physica Sinica, 54 (2005) 3862. 19. Shi HG, Si MS, Xue DS, “Coercivity mechanism of segmented (A/B) (m) composite nanowire arrays”, Acta Physica Sinica, 54 (2005) 3402.

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23. Luo HQ, Chen XG, Zhou PH, Shi HG, Xue DS, “Prussian blue nanowires fabricated by electrodeposition in porous anodic aluminum oxide”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 151 (2004) C567.

24. Zhou PH, Xue DS, Luo HQ, Yao JL, Shi HG, “Preparation and characterization of highly ordered vanadium-iron cyanide molecular magnet nanowire arrays”, Nanotechnology, 15 (2004)

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